The Diary Game : 24-04-2024 - Some beautiful moments spent by the younger brothers at the picnic.

in Steem For Bangladeshlast month
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Greetings and congratulations to all of the Steem For Bangladesh community

How are you all friends? I hope you are well and healthy by the grace of God. I too am well by the grace of Allah and the love of all of you. I am back with the story of a beautiful day among you.


I woke up very late this morning and couldn't pray Fajr today. I can't sleep well at night in this heat, so I have a lot of trouble getting up in the morning. In the morning, he wakes up in the heat, so he gets up and goes outside for a short walk. To brush, I walked outside for a long time, then went to the pond, washed my hands and came home. When I came home, I saw mom cooking sagudana for breakfast in the morning. Mom said that if you eat them inside in this heat, your body will get cold. So we have breakfast with Sagudana.


After finishing breakfast, I sat for a while and after a while I went out and saw that my mother was preparing the lunch. I went and helped my mother in cooking. When I finished cooking, my mother went to cook and I came home. After coming home, I lie down and work on my mobile phone for a while.


After working for a long time, I get up and sweep the house. A little later I went to take a bath. After taking a bath, I prayed the Zuhr prayer. After finishing namaz and sitting for a while, everyone eats lunch together. After eating and drinking, I went to sleep for a while. He wakes up, prays Asr and goes out.


I went outside and saw my cousins ​​sitting together and talking so I went and talked with them for a while. He gave the Maghrib call for mischief for a long time. So everyone leaves to do ablution and perform ablution and perform the Maghrib prayer. After finishing the prayer, I have a cup of tea.


After tea, I went outside because it was very hot inside. Staying indoors has become very difficult in this heat. After walking outside for a while we saw that there was a fire burning by our pond. So me and my cousin went a little further and lit the fire. I went a little closer and saw that some boys of our house were having a picnic today. They themselves plan to cook biryani today. After standing for a long time and watching their cooking processes, they can cook very well. After mischief with them for a while, I went home. After coming home, I perform ablution and perform Isha prayer. After finishing namaz they sent their cooked biryani for me.


Had a lot of fun eating their biryanis, ate their biryanis at night. After eating and drinking, I go to bed early, because after a while, I will not be able to sleep again. So friends today is my day till now everyone will be fine and healthy.


Goodbye for today. Allah Hafez
 last month 

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