Today I will show you how I made a headband for my daughter with felty yarn.

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Everyone

This is @rumanaafroz, from Bangladesh.

Created by Canva

Hey dear friends!

How is everyone's day going? I hope everyone is in good health. Alhamdulillah I am also fine. I am sorry for being a little erratic for a few days. God willing, I will play a regular role again. . Today I will show you how I made a headband for my daughter with felty yarn.
Hope everyone likes it and learns it themselves.
So let's start with I have woven this matara band on Kibab.
The tools I need are;

  • Red colored fetty yarn
  • Yellow colored yarn
  • Cut the cross

I started with the work

First I knit the chain using a 22" cross stitch. Can't knit loosely. Otherwise it will get too long later.

The way I knit in step 2

In this step I started to knit a single crochet over each chain. These too should not be knitted in any loose crochet.

Step number 3

In step 3 I crocheted a single crochet on the other side of the chain ie in the bottom row of the chain and in each room.

Continue knitting as in step 4

In this step I continue to knit a single crochet in the head of each single crochet.

Step 5

In this step I went around knitting a single crochet at the head of each single crochet for a total of 6 rows, finishing with as much width as my band would take.

What I did in this step

In this step I took 8 patches of yellow color yarn to make the flower above the band. After that I first twisted it around two fingers to make a magic ring.

7th step

In this step, I knitted 9 single crochets inside the magic ring. Then I pulled the yarn that came out and made it round.

8th step

In this step, we knit 4 chains on the head of a single crochet and stuck it in the next single crochet. We cut the yarns in the middle of the empty room and twisted them 4 times. We made 5 flower petals.

As I completed in the last episode

In the last part I made 3 flowers in the same way and stitched them on one side of the band with needle and stitched the open side also and put it on my daughter. I also like to see that my daughter is very happy to see every thing I make.

I said goodbye to everyone and ended this blog today.

Thanks alot for reading .
Good luck to you.

Best regards
Rumana Afroz

 3 months ago 

What a nice headband you made for your daughter! I am really surprised to see your skill.I think you make a just like a professional person. Best wishes for you.

😱 wow that's very creative and I love it 🥰

 3 months ago 

Thank you friend.

🥰 it's my pleasure

 3 months ago 

আপনার মেয়ের হেয়ার ব্যান্ড টি দেখতে অসাধারণ লাগছে। আসলেই খুব সুন্দর হইছে। কুসিকাটার কাজ আমারো খুব ভালো লাগে। আসলেই আপনার হাতে জাদু আছে।

 3 months ago 

আপনাদের সাপোর্ট থাকলে ইনশাআল্লাহ সামনের দিন গুলোতেও এভাবে উপহার দিয়ে যেতে পারবো।ধন্যবাদ আপু আমার হাতের কাজটি আপনার ভাল লেগার জন্য।

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 3 months ago 

অবশ্যই দোআ রইলো আপনার জন্য।

 3 months ago 

আপনি খুব গুনি এবং পারদর্শী একজন নারী। অসাধারণ সুন্দর আপনার হাতের কাজ। আপনার কাজ আমার খুব পছন্দ। কুর্শি কাটার কাজ আমিও একটু একটু করতে পারি। আপনার জন্য অনেক শুভকামনা রইল আপু। ভালো থাকবেন হাসি খুশি থাকবেন পরিবারের সাথে।

 3 months ago 

ধন্যবাদ আপু।আপনার সুন্দর মন্তব্য পড়ে আমার খুব ভাল লাগলো।আপনিও সুস্থ ও ভাল থাকুন আপনার পরিবারের সাথে।আল্লাহ হাফেজ।

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 3 months ago 

Your daughter's hair band made of needle and thread is really cute. I am impressed with your handiwork skills. You have presented the topic very nicely step by step. Which increases your acceptance of this content. Good luck to you.

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