SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year

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According to our holy religious books, God has created everything in the world for the benefit of human beings. Since the beginning of time, people have been inventing many things to make civilization more prosperous. Thanks to the invention of the wheel, we can travel long distances today; thanks to the invention of the spaceship, people have been able to go to the land of the moon; and thanks to the advancement of technology, the whole world has come to our fingertips. There are countless other inventions through which humans have enriched civilization. But there are many inventions made by man that are causing his destruction. Every day, these inventions are slowly turning the world into a pile of destruction, including humans.

If you had the power to permanently delete one thing from the Earth, what would it be and why?

The one thing I want to delete from the earth forever is plastic. Every year, thousands of tons of plastic materials are produced; these do not mix with the soil, and part of them is not recyclable, so they are gradually accumulating as waste in the local landfill. And various pollutants are spreading from it. The burning of polymer material is more dangerous because it becomes a hydrocarbon and gets into the air, increasing the level of pollution.


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If more than 5 grams of plastic enter the body in a week, it can cause various problems in our bodies. The microbeads in it pollute our environment. When plastic waste is incinerated, the invisible microparticles released from it pollute the air. It does not decompose even after hundreds of years, due to which it mixes with the soil and pollutes it. Countless marine corals are destroyed by this plastic waste.

Plastic has many components that become waste after one use. In our country, when plastic waste accumulates in various drains, waterlogging occurs during monsoons with little rain. Most of the rivers in Bangladesh have become dead rivers due to the accumulation of plastic waste, and this plastic is responsible for destroying the corals of Cox's Bazar, which is the longest sea beach in the world. So the one thing I want to delete from this earth forever is plastic.

How will its absence have a positive impact on society, nature and mankind? explain.

I think the absence of plastic will have a positive impact on society, nature, and mankind. In the early days when there was no use of plastic, people still lived their lives well, so it can be said that there was no burden of waste like plastic on the earth then.

Plastics are primarily responsible for environmental pollution. In its absence, if the plastic is not burned, there will be no air pollution caused by it, and people will be able to consume clean air. Plastic does not decompose, so it mixes with the soil and pollutes it. Therefore, if it is not available, soil pollution will be prevented, soil fertility will increase, it will produce good crops, and mankind will benefit a lot.


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Human mental health depends a lot on nature. And the cleaner the nature, the better the mental condition of the people in society. Therefore, a world free of plastic waste will create a desire for people to be healthy in society and bring positivity into the system.

Plastic mixes with water in various ways and falls into the sea and causes damage to fish, including corals, so without it, sea creatures will regain their corals and nature's ecology will occur properly.

What can we substitute for it that has the power to resist all subsequent devastation?

The utility of plastic materials is so evident to us that we use them despite knowing about their destructiveness. Yes, I agree that plastic is benefiting us in many ways, but it goes without saying that in the long run it will become a major threat to the extinction of mankind, so we have to accept its alternative today or tomorrow.

As an alternative to plastic polythene, we can use jute material, which can reduce the use of plastic to the maximum extent while at the same time being environmentally friendly. In place of the components made of plastic, we can use the components made of metal, which can be recycled again.

Glassware can be used as an alternative to plastic bottles, jugs, mugs, etc. At the same time, if we continue the research work, then one day we will definitely get an alternative to the world-wide consumables made from it.

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Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 last year 

Hello my dear friend @ripon0630
How are you

I always wish you the best.Plastic pollution is the extraction of plastic materials by the environment that subsequently has adverse effects on wildlife, wildlife habitats, and even humans. Based on size, plastic pollution is categorized into three categories: micro, meso or macro waste. Regular use of plastic materials is increasing the level of plastic pollution Polythene bags, cosmetic plastics, household plastics, commercial plastic products are mostly not recycled. They take the form of waste from the environment People's ignorance is the main cause of plastic pollution Plastic is a chemical substance that takes a long time to decompose in the environment or to be recycled in factories Hence it is termed as "waste material". I wish you all the best in this contest.Environmentally harmful plastics are avoided. I am teaching you how to plant trees. And poor miserable helpless people have lots of land but ignore the current situation. No money to buy trees. Help them in planting trees. Best wishes. Best Regards @jannatmou
 last year 

I really appreciate about what you saying about the plastic and I totally agree with you .Thank you so much for visiting ,Friend .

 last year 

You are most wellcome

 last year 

I totally agree with your point of view that everything that we see on the earth and the specially everything which is the creation of God can never be useless always but yes there are the things which are present on earth and they are made by human and they can be injurious for health because a human can never be perfect so the creation of a human can never be perfect and there is always something which is not beneficial for health when created by human as plastic is also created by human about which you have told that it is more than 5 grams in the body of human then it may cause diseases I agree with you completely.

You have also share with this about the antidote of plastic and this is polythene which is also I need recommended in the different areas of earth in which there is awareness between people so they don't use plastic because they know that it cannot be recycled and indirectly plastic waste are polluting the water in the rivers and oceans which are also not good for human as well as for wildlife.

Great effort made by you I wish you good luck

 last year 

Hello my dear friends,

I really like your writing. You said you want to eliminate plastic from the earth forever. Thousands of tons of plastic materials are produced every year; They do not mix with the soil, and when they are burned, carbon dioxide enters the air, increasing pollution levels. They are left in different places. Which is always polluting the environment.

Best wish friend 💝from @isfatema

 last year 

dear brother @ripon0630

You have discussed a very beautiful topic, such a thing did not come to my mind, plastic has become a part of our life in such a way that we are constantly using it, I came to know about it last few months and thought that what these plastics do, There is no end, except the breaking down They stay that way, so your point is that they need to be removed, it is harming us physically, anyway, I like your words, good luck to you,

Take love from @memamun

 last year 

প্লাস্টিক একবার উৎপাদন করার পর এটির অধিকাংশ অংশ বিনাশ করার কোনো সুযোগ নেই । আর এটি পচনশীল না হওয়ার দীর্ঘ সময় যাবৎ এটির বর্জ্য বিভিন্ন ভাবে প্রকৃতিকে দূষণ করছে । ধন্যবাদ আমার পোস্টটি ভিজিট করার জন্য ।

 last year 

হ্যাঁ ভাই সঠিক বলেছেন,

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ যে আমার মন্তব্যের রিপ্লাই দিয়েছেন। 💜

 last year 

Indeed God has made our planet beautiful for us, but how sad 😢 that men are destroying it in the name of civilization and technology. Plastic polythene do more harm than good, it causes Air, Water and Soil pollution. Looking for alternative is the best way to preserve our planet. I wish you success!

 last year 

I agree that reducing the use of plastic can have a positive impact on society, nature, and humanity. Plastic pollution is indeed a significant environmental issue, and chancing druthers
and reducing plastic waste is pivotal for the well- being of our earth. I'd like to unfold on some of the points you mentioned.

 last year 

আপনি ঠিক বলেছেন । প্লাস্টিক ছাড়া আমাদের সমাজ ,প্রকৃতি এবং মানবজাতির উপর পজিটিভ ইম্প্যাক্ট পড়বে । এটি বিভিন্নভাবে আমাদের পরিবেশ দূষণ করছে এবং দীর্ঘ যাত্রায় এটি মানুষের জীবনকে দূর্বিষহ করার ক্ষমতা রাখে । ধন্যবাদ ফ্রেন্ড আমার পোস্টটি ভিজিট করার জন্য ।

 last year 

স্প্লাস্টিক ব্যবহারের শুরুতে মানুষ যতটা খুশী হয়েছিলো, এখন ঠিক ততোটাই উদ্বিগ্ন এর খারাপ প্রভাব নিয়ে। দিনের পর দিন এই প্লাস্টিক আমাদের জন্য হুমকি হয়ে দাড়াচ্ছে। কারন এর বিনাশ সহজে হয় না। সুন্দর একটি দিক তুলে ধরেছেন ভাই।


I couldn't agree with you more! It's alarming to think about the pollution caused by plastic. I even came across a news story recently where a whale came to the Sri Lankan Sea shore. When discovered it cause of death was consuming plastics! It was heartbreaking! and I was shocked how plastic pollution affects not just our environment but also innocent creatures.

I also agree with your suggestion of using jute material. It's a simple and effective solution that can make a significant difference. Let's hope with continued research and innovation, we can discover even more sustainable alternatives to plastic.

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