Betterlife - The Diary Game | 29 May, 2023 | Weeded our garden, ate the first jackfruit of the year and jackfruit curry.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year


Hello friends, I hope you are all well. After waking up in the morning like every day, I had my breakfast after getting fresh. Then I went to our event decoration shop and came home early as there was not much work there today. Today, the first jackfruit of the season was harvested from our tree. I like jackfruit very much. It is a seasonal fruit and contains a lot of calcium. Every person should eat it at least in season. It was very tasty and sweet.


Eating the first jackfruit of the season./ Chittagong,Bangladesh

With not much work to do offline today, I thought let's do some tending to the plants in our garden. So before taking a bath, I cleaned the weeds from the plants in the garden. My father and I planted various vegetables and fruits on the roof of our house. While doing the weeding, I noticed that our lemon trees are yielding well. These trees are about three years old. At first, we thought that lemons might not be produced, but by God's infinite mercy, lemons have grown on the trees.


The yield of our lemon trees./ Chittagong,Bangladesh

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Then I took a bath and performed the Zohar prayer. After a while, I took my lunch and rested for a while. It was very hot today. There is an open field behind our house where cool air blows. I didn't want to stay indoors in the heat, so in the afternoon I went to the field and enjoyed the cool air for a while. I played cricket with my friends in this field as a child and did a lot of mischief. Then I returned home and offered my Asar prayer.

My childhood playground./ Chittagong,Bangladesh

In the evening, my mom called me to the kitchen for a special dish, which is jackfruit curry, which is made with the outer part of jackfruit. This is a traditional curry that is cooked in most homes in Bangladesh during the jackfruit season. Jackfruit seeds are very hard in their normal condition, which is not edible, but after cooking, the seeds become very soft. Jackfruit is a fruit that can be eaten whole. It was very tasty to eat.


Jackfruit curry./ Chittagong,Bangladesh

After some time, I had dinner with everyone in the house after performing the night prayer. I had a great day, and I give many thanks to God for giving me such a beautiful day. I'm saying goodbye for today. See you in the next diary game!

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 last year 

আপনার সারাদিনের কার্যক্রম খুবই ভালো লাগলো। আপনি এবছরের প্রথম কাঁঠাল খেয়েছেন। মধু মাসে ফল খাওয়া খুবই ভালো। আপনার প্রতি শুভকামনা রইলো।

 last year 

মধু মাসে ফল খাওয়া আসলেই ভালো এবং সবার খাওয়া উচিত । ধন্যবাদ পোস্টটি পড়ার জন্য ।

 last year 

Though I don't like jackfruit so much, in the season I take some. But raw jackfruit curry is one of my favorite dishes. I am also very skilled in cooking it. Thank you for sharing your day with us.


 last year 

Wow,Apu. Good to hear that you are good at cooking this jackfruit curry. I found this curry of jackfruit cooked by my mother to be heavy tasty. And sometimes seasonal food in the year takes the taste of cooking to a different level .Thanks for visiting .

 last year 

Hello friend Ripon
I had never heard of that jackfruit plant of course there is such a variety of fruits and vegetables in the world and everything for. our delight and enjoyment.
Also right now here in my country is the lemon season.
It sounds nice to have crops on the roof of the house.
And that plate of food your mother made looks delicious.
It was good to read your day.

 last year 

@ripon0630 brother
Glad to hear you had a great day. Now summer is going on, raw jackfruit curry is good at this time. I like it very much and another name for this recipe is Enchor. It tastes better when cooked with prawn or beef.

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