📢 Contest - About Your Experiences During COVID-19 || Booming + Steem Power + TRX

in Steem For Bangladesh2 years ago


Hello friends how are all doing i hope all are moving fine and great i gladly welcome you all to my blog for today and also this is my first time to write in this community and i hope that i will be given attention and also promise that from now i will be an active member in this community

My experience during the COVID was really bad and indeed we that lives in nigeria find it difficult to survive this sickness really cause many lock down in nigeria which lead to death of many people because of lack of food many people also sold many of their properties just to find what to eat indeed it was really difficult for the poor masses to survive

Also i promise that by the end of my write-up for today that you all will have a lot to learn from this and also it will be so so intresting and good also i will love to invite @goodybest @lhorgic @graceani to join this contest with us

How did you spend the entire pandemic period!!!! Did you make any changes in your lifestyle to get rid of this virus?

Indeed this pandemic was really bad on us in nigeria and this really leads some youths into bad activities like stealing armrobbery and other bad issues. For me i really spent the entire pandemic with pains and also sorrow because there was lockdown everywhere and also no food to eat so i decide to go snd hawk during that process i sell many things by the road sode like selling of purewater snacks and also cold drinking

I was also knock down by a car but i surive it also after i survive it i then went to learn some work because there was no otyer means to get income and also eat there was no school or any other means of education for children to learn through no food and hardship was seen in every aspects in life

During that time i learnt many work which includes weaving of clothes sewing of shirt and also trosser i also learnt other handwork and also this really made many changes In my life like management of human resources learning how to manage food and eat at least two terms a day also it make me to work more harder so as to earn more money

✅ Have you learned any new skills during this pandemic?

Yeah i learnt Many skill like sewing and weaving of clothes. it was really difficult for us here in nigeria thats why i went for that business and handwork i learnt this work through the help of my uncle who was a nice and also a well known bussiness man

He really love me because i was a hardworking, young boy so he then decide to teach me this working which is weaving of clothes after cutting it in many design and pattern. I was really happy when i learn this work because it really pay me a little amount of money indeed now and expect iny work many bussiness men now call me to work for then after working i get paid

✅ Have you or anyone in your family been infected with this virus? If yes, Then what steps did you take to get recover from it?


Nooo since the sickness or virus came i have never seen a person being affected by it talk more of my family members no i have seen and it has never happen to anyone close ore related to me

I always heard that many people where affected but thank God that non of my family or close friends where affected i have never had an expreciense of anyone affected from such virus we all where so save and heathy the government really gave serious adivice and warning about the virus and also many lockdown was made to prevent the virus and non of my family was affected

✅ Have you had all the vaccines? If yes, then Has your government issued any vaccination certificates?

No we didnt received any vaccine because our government was less concerned about the people who he is leading also he dont wven care about the people survival and didnt gave any vaccine to us

He only gave intrests to those whi live in town then those eho live insude the village who the poor was not recognize the becase who live inside the village thats why the we didnt get the any vaccine and also the government was not intrested on that and did not gav us any certificate

✅ What precautions do you think should be taken to avoid any future diseases and such pandemics? Give some tips for users from your experience.

There are many tips for the prevention of this diseases and also such pandemics my following point include the following below

  • washing of our hands
  • wearing of the face mask
  • getting proper vaccine
  • go to any hospotal if you are felling any symptoms of covid
  • stop the shaking of hands regular
  • stay about 30 cents far from your opponent
  • eat heathy food
  • clean the environment properly


WOW THIS is a great contest and its my first time in this community i promise to be an active member and also do every contest here. am also looking forward to be verified as an active member here well thanks for going through this post i love you all

 2 years ago 

It's great that you learned sewing skill in the pandemic time.

I feel very sad that your government not concern about people's vaccination.It's very important for any government of a country to make sure the security of the general people first not doing any discrimination.Good luck for the contest.

 2 years ago 

Wow am also happy for your fast reply and also for your time spent in reading thanks i really appreciate indeed you got me verified i really appreciate i promise to be active and also looking forward that posts will be rewarded thanks i really appreciate


Your post has been successfully curated by @franyeligonzalez at 50%.

His publication has been awarded for being one of the winners of the contest of the user ripon0630.

Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality contests for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote in the weekly list of Top Contests.

 2 years ago 

Wow am so so happy about this you have motivated me to do more and i promise that i will do more and also published quality content thanks i really appreciate

 2 years ago 
 2 years ago 

Great contest friend... You have made a very good entry, giving us detailed and comprehensive writeup about your covid experience. Thanks for the invite.

 2 years ago 

Yeah thanks for going through my post i really appreciate

 2 years ago 
ReviewThank you very much for participating in the contest. You have presented it very well. Government should make people aware during corona epidemic. But in that case I am sorry. I am very glad to know that you are still recovering from COVID 19. Thank you so much for sharing your post with us.
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 2 years ago 

Wow am so so glad thanks for going through my post


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 2 years ago 

Thanks for going through my post i really appricate

 2 years ago 

Thanks for going through my post i really appricate

Awesome nice post

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