SEC-S17W1: "Season of My Country"

Hi, Greetings Dear Engagement Fellows & Community Mentors!!

I'm here in Week 1 in the Steem For Bangladesh Community. The topic of this week is Season of My Country


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Today, I will give my views in this regard by answering the questions of this competition by joining an amazing contest on the title SEC-S17W1: "Season of My Country" So sit back, open your minds, and let us embark on this journey together.


How many seasons in your country? Which one is your favorite and why?


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In India, there are historically six recognized seasons, each with its own wonderful traits and significance. These are:
Summer, Monsoon (Varsha Ritu) Autumn, Pre-winter, Winter and Spring (Vasanta Ritu).

As for why the monsoon is my favourite, there are reasons:

  • The monsoon brings relief from the sizzling summer season warmness, offering a welcome damage and cooler temperatures.
  • It transforms the landscape, turning dry and barren regions into lush greenery, growing picturesque scenes, also monsoon is deeply ingrained in Indian way of life and is celebrated thru numerous gala's and rituals, fostering a experience of network and culture.
  • The rainy season regularly inspires a romantic environment, with the sound of rain, the odour of moist earth, and the opportunity for comfy moments interior.
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    If there was one season you wanted to skip forever, which one would it be? Explain the reason.


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    While wintry weather has its very own attraction and importance for plenty humans, there are valid motives why a person might wish to skip it for all time same as me. Here are a few reasons:

  • Health Concerns: Cold climate often results in an increase in ailments consisting of colds, flu, and respiration infections. Additionally, situations like arthritis or asthma can also worsen in bloodless climates, main to improved pain and health demanding situations.
  • Limited Outdoor Activities: Winter weather can restriction outside sports, making it hard to revel in hobbies or exercising exterior. Snow and ice accumulation can create unsafe conditions, limiting mobility and increasing the chance of injuries or injuries.
  • Shorter Days: Winter days are shorter, with fewer daylight, that may affect temper, electricity levels, and productiveness. The lack of daylight may additionally contribute to feelings of lethargy, sluggishness, or maybe melancholy in a few individuals.
  • A5tMjLhTTnj4UJ3Q17DFR9PmiB5HnomwsPZ1BrfGqKbjddxD9Fg3kHuaVWbP4Qb16sPQVhqmbMKHGfo9CbxakWUnxvMrFkYT8J6YWqKqsYZwp4UDt2k8jjhEs7g4MgSFsgV9ZBuXmDB8dua7SeGk3q1wvYQRyMbSdGsugzou6V4uAJjqRabNgFsSpQWzidKK4tTXDuaHLrT.jpg

    Describe a traditional or special activity that people in your country do during a particular season.


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    One traditional activity that people in India frequently interact in all through the festival of Diwali, which usually occurs throughout the autumn season, is the decoration of houses and surroundings with diyas (oil lamps) and rangoli. During Diwali, human beings clean and beautify their homes, decorating them with colourful rangoli designs crafted from materials along with colored powders, rice, flower petals, or colored sand. These difficult patterns are created on the flooring of houses, courtyards, or entrances to welcome guests and invoke benefits from our Hindu goddess Lakshmi, who is believed to convey wealth and prosperity. Diyas are lit and placed round homes symbolizing the victory of mild over darkness and properly over evil. This tradition of decorating with rangoli and lighting diyas during Diwali is not only visually stunning but also holds deep cultural and spiritual significance, fostering a sense of community, joy, and celebration among people across India.


    Are there any special foods or drinks that people in your country enjoy most during certain seasons? If so, what is it and why?


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  • Mangoes in Summer: Mangoes are regularly known as the "king of fruits" in India and are pretty anticipated in the direction of the summer season. Known for its candy and juicy flavor, mangoes are enjoyed in numerous bureaucracy, together with smooth slices, mango lassi (a yogurt-based totally definitely drink), mango ice cream, and mango pickle. The abundance of mangoes in the course of summer presents to the pleasure of the season and presents a clean treat to conquer the warm temperature.
  • Winter Delicacies:Foods like makki ki roti (cornmeal flatbread) served with sarson da saag (mustard veggies curry), gajar ka halwa (carrot pudding), and diverse types of soups and stews are popular selections. These dishes provide consolation and nourishment throughout the cold iciness months.
  • A5tMjLhTTnj4UJ3Q17DFR9PmiB5HnomwsPZ1BrfGqKbjddxD9Fg3kHuaVWbP4Qb16sPQVhqmbMKHGfo9CbxakWUnxvMrFkYT8J6YWqKqsYZwp4UDt2k8jjhEs7g4MgSFsgV9ZBuXmDB8dua7SeGk3q1wvYQRyMbSdGsugzou6V4uAJjqRabNgFsSpQWzidKK4tTXDuaHLrT.jpg
    In the end, I would like to invite my Steemit fellows @arvindkumar @ahlawat @jyoti-thelight @ctime @reetuahlawat for taking part in this engagement challenge. Thanks for valuable feedback and appreciation. Wishing to succeed.

     3 months ago 

    Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

     3 months ago 

    Hello dear @rajnibedi
    It's fascinating how India's diverse seasons offer unique experiences and traditions. From celebrating Diwali with vibrant rangoli decorations to savoring seasonal delicacies like mangoes in summer and hearty dishes in winter, each season brings its own joys and flavors, enriching the cultural tapestry of the country. Good luck to this contest.

    From the colorful festivities of Diwali to the succulent delights of seasonal mangoes and the comforting warmth of winter dishes, each season brings its own charm and flavor to the cultural mosaic of the country.

     3 months ago 

    Hello, India seduces with its landscapes, architecture, culture, as I read I imagined everything.Diwali, it is an exciting festival over there as far as I can see, it arouses my curiosity.

    And I imagine that a freezing winter must be tremendous, if when it rains here and I can not go out I walk uncomfortable in those circumstances I can not stand haha, although I imagine to always experience those seasons, there are enough, people get used to it.

    Diwali truly is an exciting festival, filled with vibrant celebrations and traditions that spark curiosity. And while the thought of a freezing winter might seem daunting, the experience of embracing all seasons, despite the challenges, is part of the rich tapestry of life. It's amazing how people adapt and find joy in each season's unique ooffering.

    I really enjoy reading your entry, you have explained everything in great detail and to be sincere I enjoyed everything, I have seen in your country you have the best season so far, and one is your favorite. You have explained the reason you chose it and how people make used of this particular season.. wish you success

    Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed reading about India's seasons.

     3 months ago 

    Hello dear @rajnibedi

    • You are right dear Rainy season is considered to be a symbol of love and affection. Whenever rains start, love and affection increases.

    But the rest of the seasons are not of any importance they also play a very important role in our life as there are some seasons in which we have special festivals like Rangoli, Holi, Diwali and Eid in our country, Shabbarat and other Islamic festivals. There are those who form part of these seasons, so we cannot forget any of them.

    Indeed, the rainy season often evokes feelings of love and affection. It's beautiful how nature's elements can enhance our connections with others.

    You have share your views on the season in India which are six seasons, with monsoon being your favorite because of its cool temperatures and lush landscapes. However, you would skip winter due to health concerns, limited outdoor activities, and shorter days.

    Thank you for summarizing my perspective on India's six seasons. Each season offers its own unique experiences and joys, and it's fascinating to explore how people adapt and find beauty in each one.


    It's good to know that your country has typically six seasons. I can also see why you don't like winter season. The accumulation of ice because of snow fall will restrict you from outdoor activities such as Sports and they likes of them. If you are a football lover, during the winter season you be bought at home because you won't have the opportunity to go out and exercise yourself as normal. You don't like winter season just for your personal interest but for the interest of the people in your society. According to your post, during the winter season asthma is always of high rate which can kill easily. So you don't like it because of the bad results it'll yield.

    You've captured the essence of my sentiments well. Indeed, the winter season's limitations on outdoor activities, especially sports, can be challenging for many, including myself. It's not just about personal preferences but also considering the well-being of the community, especially those vulnerable to health issues like asthma, which can worsen during the winter months.

    Wow so many different names. In places like Nigeria, they call those seasons as the rainy season but I guess it has a different name over there or what do you think

     3 months ago 

    Dear @rajnibedi
    Thank you so much for sharing a post by which I come to know about the seasons of your country.You have presented wonderfully the different seasons of your country with its characteristics.Every season has some own characteristics. One is different from other. Nature changes it look in every season. By reading you post I come to know that there are six seasons in your country. Some like most winter and some like other seasons but you nothing dislike because every seasons is important for us. and the hottest season of your country is summer.The temperature is high in this time. Go ahead and all the best.

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