" Season 1 Save Water Save World "

in Steem For Bangladesh4 months ago (edited)

I greet you all members of this great platform. It's a pleasure for me to publish my first post on this wonderful community you and seeing this wonderful contest organised by @mostofajaman interest me to participate in this wonderful contest.

How important is water to sustain our life?


Like the saying water is life water is very important in sustaining our lives because I can easily stay for long without eating and water will sustain me but you can never stay without water in this life because it's a very important aspect of our lives.

Almost everything we are doing in this life requires water, for instance, to bathe, cook, brush our teeth, and most importantly to drink

As humans, you can't live without water because when you do so, you will die, to sustain our lives whenever we are hungry, and we drink water it will sustain us for a while.
If we don't bathe, we will be smelling, and people will be running away from us like wise when we don't brush.

We all need food to survive and to also live a healthy life and we can not cook when there's no water, so overall water is very important in our lives.

Should we prevent water pollution and why?


Yes oh, we should always prevent water pollution because it will cause us to be ill, and like we all know pollution is the release of harmful substance into the environment and when we release bad water into the environment we will not be able to make use of it.

It good to always prevent wager pollution do we can make goodbye of the water, in some places because of water pollution they hardy drink their water because it been polluted by chemicals that when taken into the body it will affect us.

What will the world look like if the earth runs out of food water?


The world will just be like he'll on earth because it will be disastrous for every one of us, nobody will survive and we as hunan will be praying for death to come and take us away because the suffering we will receive, we will prefer to die than to experience such suffering.

Water and food are the most important thing in our lives and without them we can never survive in this world, we need food and water to grow and stay free from disease so it's definitely impossible for is to leave with food and water.

In what ways can we keep water pollution-free and prevent water wastage?


The government of every country and states should implement law and a punishment and also a fine for people who waste water unnecessary. This way, it will be reduced.

And we as individuals should also try our best not to involve ourselves in water wastage, and we should also caution people who waste water.

Keeping our environment clean and taking good care of th water will help in fighting water pollution.

Companies and factories should be taken far away from the water area so it won't pollute the water.

I am inviting @adachukwu, @patjewell and @radleking to join me and participate in this contest

 4 months ago 

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 4 months ago 

পানির হলো আমাদের জীবনে জন্য একটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান। আমরাই আবার এই পানি দূষিত করছি। কিন্তু এই পানি দুষনের প্রভাব যে কতটা ভয়াবহ তা আমরা বুঝতেই চাই না। এই পানি দূষণ রোধ করি সুস্থ থাকি। সচেতনতা তৈরি মাধ্যমে পানি দূষণ রোধ করা সম্ভব।

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