The Diary Game//Betterlife//A Beautiful day

Assalamu Alaikum

How are you all? Hope everyone is well and healthy by God's grace. Alhamdulillah I too am fine and healthy by the grace of Allah. Today I will share with you my whole day activities. Hope you like it.

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I wake up in the morning, brush my teeth and take a walk. Then according to the mother's instructions, I took the goat out of the goat house and let it eat grass. This goat of ours is getting burlier day by day. This goat also has a kid. It will be seeded again after a few days.


After letting the goats eat grass, I let the cows eat hay. I mentioned in previous posts that we have two cows. So I clean the cow house well by feeding the cows. It is better to say that our big cow will give birth after a few days. In such a situation, it is mandatory to keep the cow house clean. If the cow house is not cleaned regularly, various diseases will spread. Then it will be difficult to keep the cow healthy. And the risk is more in the case of cows that will give birth within a few days.

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After cleaning the cow house, I had breakfast and went to tuition as usual. I usually take a bicycle to tuition. First go to Raktim's house. Raktim and Ratna - two siblings. Raktim studies in class five and her sister Ratna studies in class one. After teaching them for an hour, I went to the house of another student named Turya for tuition. Turya studied in class eight. Studies can be fairly good. But one bad habit is not wanting to focus on studying.

Anyway, after finishing the tuition, I return home and take a little rest. Take rest and go to the cow house again. It is very hot now as it is summer in our area. That's why cows have to be bathed every day. So for the purpose of bathing the cows, I bring buckets of water from the tubewell and collect it at one place and finally bathe the cows. After bathing I went to the pond located a little away from our house to bathe myself. I went there and took a good bath and returned home. Come home and have lunch. After eating, log in to Steemit ID and read everyone's posts. Then take some sleep.

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I wake up, wash my hands and face after eating and do some sports. I come home after sports and wash my hands and feet. We have several chickens at home. They are cultivated in open system. ie released every morning. The chicks are scattered here and there all day long. So I feed them a little before evening. They eat food in groups. When the food is finished, the chickens go home. Then I close the chicken coop from the outside. The reason for closing the chicken house from the outside is that the fox-dog infestation is very high in our area. The chicken house has been built a little higher due to the fear of foxes and dogs. However, their production does not decrease.


After evening, wash your hands and face and sit to read as usual. After reading, I sit and have dinner with all the family members. There is a different kind of joy in eating together as a family. Anyway, after eating and drinking, I took a walk outside. After walking for some time, I went to bed and slept. Then log into my Steemit ID. Read the posts of other members carefully. As I am new to Steemit ID I get ideas from reading other's posts. Then I left the mobile phone and went to sleep.

Thanks for reading my post.

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