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RE: SEC-Season 15 Week 1: The Wonder of Science

in Steem For Bangladesh5 months ago

Dear @artist1111 sir,,,

Although science is made for the benefit of our development, some dishonest and selfish people are misusing this science for their personal interests and are doing wrong, undermining the rights of others.

With the help of mobile phone, internet, which has been contributed by science, it is really a great privilege to get news from all over the world just by clicking on the mobile screen. Now you don't have to wait for months for a letter from your loved one. With the help of mobile and internet, you can talk in the blink of an eye and also meet on video calls.

Without technology, our life will really become like a turtle's pace. It would seem as if we have been robbed of the joy and excitement of life and left in a lifeless harsh desert. Because just as life in a harsh desert is dull, life without science is meaningless.

I am very happy to know that you want to talk with Dr.Abdul Qadir Khan AQ sir as your favorite scientist. His skill and success in making powerful atomic bomb is beyond praise. Excellent. How Dr. Qadir became such a successful nuclear scientist really fascinates me too.

Electricity, Antibiotics and Internet are three important parts of our life. It is probably painful for us to imagine a day without these three elements.

As science has given us opportunities in all fields and continues to give us opportunities in the days to come, we also need to acquire knowledge about science to spread science. And we have to take care that the people around us do not get involved in such evil that harms people by using science.

Thank you for giving us this beautiful and meaningful post in so few words. I wish you all the best in this competition. stay well.

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