The Diary Game A Working Busy Day //Betterlife //24 May 2024
The Dairy Game
I am @nahid28
A Bangladeshi Steemian
First of all my salutations assalamu alaikum and my sincere greetings to other religions. Hope you all are well. I welcome you to my new post. Let's start the post without further delay.
Around 5 am, my mobile phone rang. I woke up with the sound of the alarm. But I closed the door and lay down for some more time. Sometime after that @nasir04 called me around 5:30 amThe house in front of our house is @nasir04's house. Nasir and I are supposed to go threshing together this morning. That's why he called me. I woke up quickly. Then I brushed and washed my hands and face from the tube well. Then Nasir and I left for the field with the paddy threshing machine.
We worked continuously till 9 am. Then we came back home for breakfast. After breakfast we went to a garden near the house. I sat there for some time and rested. Meanwhile, I logged in my Steemit account on my mobileI saw my notifications and replied to those who commented on my post. After that we went to the field again around 10 o'clock and started working. This time we worked continuously until the azaan of 12:30.
today is friday We returned home to perform Friday prayersAfter coming home I rested for some time and took bath. After that I went to the mosque after going to the mosque. I went to the mosque first and offered the Sunnah prayer. Then I entered the mosque and listened attentively to the speech of Khatib Sahib. After the prayer I returned home.
I was invited by lance to my cousin's house today. My cousin's grandson was born last week. On that occasion, all our family members were invited. I went to my cousin's house for dinner after Friday prayers. After going there, my aunt gave me foodToday rice, dal, chicken, beef and semai were cooked there. I had lunch there and then returned home.
After noon I went to the field again. I went to the field and started threshing the paddy. The afternoon was spent in our field. From the field we saw the sun settingThe view was very beautiful. It was evening after we finished our work. Then I came back home and rested.
After evening I went to bathe in the pond. There were 2 other people with me. I was enjoying bathing in the pond at night. Because the water in the pond was very cold. After bathing I returned home. After that I had dinner. I was tired after working all day so I went to sleep. Going to sleep, I entered Steemit and checked my notifications. After reading some posts and commenting, I fell asleep
Best Regard
Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)
Thank you very much for verifying my post.
আপনি কি আমাদের মডারেটরের রিভিউ ভালো করে দেখেন না আপনার ভোটিং সিএসআই কেন জিরো এ ব্যাপারে অবশ্যই রিপ্লাই করবেন।
মডারেটরদের প্রত্যেকটা রিভিউ আমি দেখি কিন্তু ভোটিং সিএসআই দ্বারা কি বুঝায় আমি আসলে জানি না।আর,এটা আমি জিরো থেকে কিভাবে বাড়াবো?
যে বিষয়টা আপনি জানেন না সেটা অবশ্যই জানার চেষ্টা করবেন,
আপনি প্রত্যেকদিন অন্যান্য ইউজারকে ভোট দিবেন তাহলে আপনার ভোটিং সিএসআই বাড়বে।
প্রত্যেক শুক্রবারে আমাদের ডিসকোড চ্যানেলে মিটিং হয় সেখানে আপনি যেসব বিষয় জানেন না সেগুলো নিয়ে কথা বলতে পারেন।
আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ প্রিয় ভাই।আমি এখন থেকে জানার চেষ্টা করব।