Tde Diary Game //Beterlife//4rd may 2024

in Steem For Bangladeshlast month

Today's activists

Assalamu Alaikum dear friends.I am going to share my today's activities.

Let's begin


This morning I woke up a little later than usual. Woke up around 7 o'clock. I woke up and left the room with the brush in hand. And went up to the wash room to brush. After brushing, I washed my face and went back to the room. And sat at the reading table and studied for some time. I finished my studies and had breakfast. After the meal we went to the garden next to the house and stayed there for some time.


I returned home from the garden around 10 and took my bike to my cousin's house. Went there and rested for some time and then played with my niece with her remote control car. I stay at your house till noon and have lunch there. I returned home around 2 pm. I come home and take a bath. Take a bath and try to sleep for some time.


Afternoon time is pleasant for me every day. In the afternoon I usually go for a walk around. Even today, I went to Suk Bilash Coffee House in Gropgram. Sometimes I go there. Because the place is not far from our house. Suk Bilash is situated on the banks of a large lap. When the water comes in the river the place is full of beauty and noise. I spent some time there.


Then went to Groupgram market and met a friend at a friend's shop and helped him in his shop for some time. After that some other friends all chatted together in the college grounds till evening. Later in the evening I said goodbye to everyone and returned home. After returning home, I sat at the reading table and studied for some time. I finished reading and had dinner.


After dinner I read some posts of others on Steemit to enhance my experience with Steemit. Since I'm new to Steemit, reading other people's posts will help me learn new things and improve my own content. And finally before going to bed I post my day's activities on Steemit

Thanks for reading my post


 last month 

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