The Diary Game ।। 07/12/2023 ।।I was an emotional and busy day.

in Steem For Bangladesh7 months ago (edited)
🌺Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim🌺
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Assalamualaikum friends. I am @nabilanusrat. I am from Bangladesh. I hope everyone is well. Today, I will share a new diary game and the whole day's activities. I hope all of you will enjoy reading my blog. Yesterday was an emotional and busy day.


The Dairy Game
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I woke up early in the morning and made a cup of tea. Then, I practiced on the computer for a while because of the ICT practical exam.

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Since the exam was at ten o'clock, I quickly ate, got ready, and woke up my husband. Since it was my last day at the university, I was feeling very sad. I will never go to college in a hurry again; I don't feel good, I will hang out with my friends in the canteen, I will not sit by the pond, and I remember how bad I felt—then I hurried to college at 9.30.

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After the 10.00 am exam, I was left at 11.30 am with a practical exam. Then, when I met the madam of the department, we talked for a while.

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Then I think of all my friends, and since it is raining, we go to the canteen and eat fuska and chappati. Then go to the canteen and eat fuska, chappati, and ice cream.

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Then, since I would not go to the department in this way, I went to the department seminar. Go to the seminar and see some books. Later, the seminar lady said she was giving us a certificate, so we spent some time with the certificate.

Then, as mentioned earlier, around 1.00 pm, my husband called me in front of the university gate with my son; I went to the gate. Then I thought about where to go. Seeing my bad mood, my husband told me to go to Mohammadpur to cheer me up. You have to do some shopping, and you can go to your favourite restaurant there. Then we go to Mohammadpur. It takes about 2.30 p.m. to get there.

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After shopping, we went to a favourite restaurant, where one of my girlfriends joined us. Then we have lunch around 4.30. Then we leave for home. I was coming home for the jam around 7.00. My husband went out again through our house. Then my son and I took some rest. Then we cook khichuri for the night. Then my husband comes home, finishes the rest of the work after having dinner, and goes to bed. It was everything I did all day.

🍃I hope you all enjoyed reading my article🍃


🍃 Thanks for reading my post so patiently.🍃

Best Regards By

 7 months ago 

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful day activity. And leaving anything to the last minute is very difficult. It is very difficult. It is very difficult.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your comment. You are right yesterday was my last day of university which was very difficult for me.

¡Hello @nabilanusrat! 🌺 It seems like you had a very eventful and emotional day. 🌟 Your detailed account of your day makes it feel like we were right there with you! The mix of exams, farewell emotions, delicious food, and family time sounds like a rollercoaster of emotions. 😊 Best wishes for your future endeavors! 🍀

 7 months ago 

Thank you for reading my post so patiently and for your nice comments. I had a really emotional day yesterday and mixed emotions. Best wishes to you too.😊

 7 months ago 

And another thing I like about you is that your food menus and food looks so beautiful and your son is sitting in front of the food.

 7 months ago 

Thank you brother for your beautiful comment..😊😊

 7 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable story.
I'm very surprised that you attend your ICT exam with a cool brain! Cause ICT is not a easy topic for me.
Whatever, i'm so happy to see your activities in a day. Next you can show your another diary game.

 7 months ago (edited)

Thank you for your comment.. ICT is my favorite subject ,and I am good at it.

 7 months ago 

আমি আপনার ডাইরিটি বেশ উপভোগ করেছি। তবে এই শীতে আইসক্রিম খাওয়া দেখে আমি বেশ ভয় পেয়েছিলাম। কারণ শীতের সময় আইসক্রিম আমার চরম শত্রু। আপনার পোস্টে শেয়ার করা সকালের চা থেকে বিকেলে ছেলের সাথে কাটানো মুহূর্ত সবকিছু আমি বেশি ইনজয় করেছি। শুভকামনা আপনার জন্য।

 7 months ago 

এতো সুন্দর একটি মন্তব্যের জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ। আমার শীত এবং বর্ষায় আইসক্রিম খাওয়া খুব পছন্দ।অনেকের কাছে এটি অদ্ভুত মনে হলেও আমার কাছে এটি খুবই মজাদার অনুভূতি। বিশেষ করে বৃষ্টির মধ্যে আইসক্রিমের প্রতিটি বাইট আমি খুব উপভোগ করি।😊😊

 7 months ago 

অদ্ভুত অনুভূতি আপনার। তবে বিষয়টি ইন্টারেস্টিং। নিশ্চয়ই আমি সমস্ত প্রতিবন্ধকতা কাটিয়ে বৃষ্টিতে ভিজতে ভিজতে একদিন আইসক্রিম খাওয়ার তৃপ্তি নিব।

 7 months ago 

চেষ্টা করে দেখতে পারেন এটি খুবই মজাদার। খাওয়ার পর কেমন অনূভতি জানাবেন।।


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