SEC-S17W4: "Express Your Love For National Flag."

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The heroes have fought for independence, they felt the tears of blood, suffering, and the bitterness of life for their children and grandchildren to live happily. Therefore, their struggle should never be forgotten, every day we pray that they get the grace of Allah SWT.

# 🇮🇩 Is there a history behind the formation of your national flag? If so, what happened?

I live in Indonesia, my country has experienced the bitter and sweet struggle in facing colonizers for approximately 142 years our country was colonized by the Dutch, then the Japanese managed to expel the Dutch army and colonized for 2 years, but the Japanese were really crueler than the Dutch. They forcibly employed people without being given food and water, the crops obtained were only used for the benefit of the colonizers.

During the 2 years of colonization by the Japanese army, our people at that time felt more miserable than those who had long been colonized by the Dutch army, therefore the community continued to fight life and death as long as our country could be independent.

The continuous resistance made the Japanese army increasingly overwhelmed, plus the fall of nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki made the Japanese army forced into a corner so that the freedom fighters at that time succeeded in making the Japanese army able to be expelled from the territory of our country.

Then the freedom fighters announced that on August 17, 1945 as the independence day for the Republic of Indonesia. Not long after the independence event the Dutch army again tried to enter to colonize our country by sending more troops, the areas they managed to control they raised the Dutch flag which was red, white and blue.

The fighters at that time immediately fought back without feeling the least bit tired, one of the fighters tried to climb the flagpole and tore off the blue part of the Dutch flag, leaving only the red and white flag which was then followed by shouts of "merdeka, merdeka, merdeka." This historic event occurred on September 19, 1945 which later became the forerunner of the Indonesian state symbol.

# 🇮🇩 What do the different colors or symbols on your national flag represent?


🟥 The red color on the Indonesian flag means that in achieving independence it took a hard struggle at the cost of life and blood, red is also symbolized as a fire that continues to burn throughout the day burning the spirit of the entire body of the Indonesian people in achieving the ideals of independence.

⬜ While the white color means that the struggle carried out is part of the holy worship of God for the sake of eternal happiness that will be felt by all our children and grandchildren later. White is synonymous with the symbol of purity, untainted or clean from everything.

# 🇮🇩 How does your national flag represent your country on the world stage?

  • 🏞️ The world's paradise, on the world stage Indonesia has been known as a beautiful country with a million charms of natural beauty, even one of the areas such as Bali is known as the world's paradise, therefore a lot of tourists from abroad visit our country for vacation. In addition to Bali, there are also many other areas that have become world paradises that have extraordinary natural beauty.


  • 💂 The greatness of TNI Soldiers, the Indonesian National Army is also known as the toughest, most terrible and dangerous soldiers in the world. In fact, many developed countries from various parts of the world conduct joint military exercises with Indonesian TNI soldiers. Some time ago there was a shooting competency followed by all the best military from all over the world, in fact Indonesian TNI soldiers won all the champions in the shooting competency. In addition, the greatness of the TNI soldiers is also not half-hearted, some are even dubbed as ghosts because they have the ability to fight beyond the ability of ordinary humans, for example the elite troops in the navy called Kopaska, those who get the Kopaska title are people who have the ability to swim across the Sunda sea for 39 km. There are even some of them who are able to dive without breathing for 1 hour in the sea. They really do training and hard work every day, the ability of one Kopaska soldier is predicted to be able to beat 1000 ordinary troops.
  • 🏸Sports achievements, a series of achievements that have been achieved in the world of sports such as Badminton, in this competency there have been many titles won every year by Indonesian badminton players, the average Indonesian badminton player is also included in the world's top 5 rankings.

  • 💃Dance, one of the arts from Indonesia that is proud of is the saman dance, this dance has been studied by many people from all over the world, but it is very difficult for them to imitate or do the same thing. In addition to the unique dance in the verses sung also contains moral and religious messages.

# 🇮🇩 Share your love for your national flag through art, crafts, drawings, paintings or a special video.

Every Monday in all government offices carry out flag ceremony activities, this activity also aims to increase love for the country of Indonesia and remember the services of heroes who have struggled painstakingly to achieve independence. We should be grateful that the beautiful life we live today is all the result of the struggle of the heroes who have fought.

Therefore, I would also like to share a video related to our love for the country of Indonesia, this video is how we celebrate the independence celebration every August 17, 1945 by raising the red and white flag which is carried out in a special and solemn manner.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @kouba01, @fantvwiki, @goodybest @fadia @mvchacin
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky

 3 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

Indeed, the history of independence of your country Indonesia is very shocking. First was tortured by the Dutch, then the Dutch were defeated by the Japanese, but the torture of the Japanese was very terrible. Later got freedom after fighting many wars. You have given us a little bit of history in the beginning of your post, it is really appreciable.

Later I see that you have shared with us some of the sports of your country mentioning the aspect of your country's representation. I pray that this victory of your country will continue for a long time.
Best wishes for you too dear, 💞

 3 months ago 

Every country became independent to escape injustice. Your country was also oppressed by two countries which denied even basic rights. The red color of your country's flag represents wartime blood just like the red color of my country. Good luck to you.

Benar sekali, penjajahan diatas dunia harus dihapuskan. Namun penjajahan masih tetap dilakukan saat ini dengan cara yang lebih halus, tidak terlihat, bahkan tanpa gencatan senjata.

 3 months ago 

Dear @miftahulrizky,,

The flag represents the national identity of all of us. It helps us to highlight our country in front of other countries. Every country has a bloody struggle to get their independence and national flag. Indonesia achieved the national flag through a difficult struggle. The white color of the Indonesian flag is the unity and harmony of the communities and the red color is a great memory of the martyrs' sacrifice. Keep the good work.

• Best Regards

Setuju, mereka semua para syuhada berjuang demi kemerdekaan mempertaruhkan nyawa dan darah.

 3 months ago 

We all should inform the next generation about those great freedom fighters.

 3 months ago 

Our flag is red and white, bold red (the red of my blood) and pure or holy white (the white of my bones). Good luck in this contest :)

Darah dan tulang menyatu menjadi satu dalam tubuh, merdeka Indonesia.

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