Contest: Save Youth From Drug Addiction

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year


Hello everyone, how are you all doing?. This contest topic is one of the most undermined topic yet the most dreaded force destroying the youths in our society today. Please stay with me as I will be taking you through the different causes and how to abstain from drug addiction.

What Do You Think Are The Main Reasons For Youth To Become Addicted To Drugs?


Permit me to State clearly some few points why youths are addicted to drugs;

Peer Pressure: Most of the youths gets into drug habit because of friends, the company they keep. There are a lot of. Negative influence in the society today and some youths are often forced to believe that if they don't follow the vice trend in the society, they won't be regarded as anything, so at some point, they are pressured to go into drug abuse thereby leading to drug addiction.

Bad Parenting: It is no more a fairy tale that most of the youths today addicted to drugs are as a result of poor parenting. Some parents failed to caution their children from childhood as well as letting their kids have things go their own way and when they grow up, they will feel they can do anything without being questioned by anyone.

Depression: More often than not, alot of youths can't deal with depression, maybe as a result of losing a job, heartbreaks and overall emotional breakdown. This has really been a big reason for drug abuse and addiction because a lot of them are not that emotionally matured to handle psychological breakdowns and they opt to drug abuse.

Low Self-esteem: Most youths now venture into drug because of low self-esteem, those who seems to look for external validation are usually prone to drug addiction as they can't handle seeing themselves as being "second class" human according to their feeds to their own subconscious.

Stress: As suprising as this could be, youths who handles jobs and tasks that drains them of their strength tend to be addicted to drugs such as pain relieves. Even those that can't manage their stress on the long run opt to taking relieves drugs and in the nearest future gets addicted to it.

What Is The Extent Of Drug Addiction In Your Society? Do You Think It's Important To Prevent Drug Addiction Among Youth?


The extent to which the youths are addicted to drugs today is really appalling and it is getting too extreme, the society is bleeding because of drug addiction.

Secondly alot of mortality news as a result of drug abuse these days is getting too much, youths as well as elderly people are dying because of drug abuse. Great number of people are dying everyday because of drug related issues and this is just getting out of hand, a lot of intellectuals are going six feat below the earth surface because of drugs

It is very important to prevent this rising calamity in our society because it is really eating the society off intellects and great fellows who would've made one change or the other in the society. If not prevented, we will be living in a society where intellects will be extinct but filled with bunch of drug addicts who only cause the society more trouble than what we are seeing today.

How Can You Encourage Them To Make Healthy Choices And What Steps Do You Think Would Be Effective To Save Them?


Firstly, youth should be able to make good choice of friends, peer pressure is really one of the hardest influence to overcome, so inorder to stay on the safe side, one should be able to make good goal oriented companies.

Secondly, if by chance depression sets in, one should not opt to drugs, rather a therapist or a professional councilor for emotional support and help. Drugs has never been the way out, it only adds to the trouble we are facing.

Moreso, if anyone feels less of themselves, they should be able to give themselves to the thoughts of being created perfectly by God and they look as beautiful they can ever imagine. Drugs don't add to ones weight, it reduces ones self and social worth.

Lastly, exercising should be core priority to relieving stress and not taking drugs, exercise helps the body to remain settled. Also, taking enough rest after tasks should be one of the things to be considered and not drugs, drugs only gives temporary relieves but on the long run, if it becomes and habit, it damages the victims body systems.

Invite @etette, @panamaprecious, @goodybest to participate in this contest if they are yet to do so.

Thanks For Reading

 last year 

I agree with you, peer pressure is the one cause of drug addiction, the need to feel among, that's why parents need to teach their children to distinguish right from wrong, to be persons of their own, and to make wise decisions. There's need to choose friends our friends wisely, friends who would love and support us to do the right thing not ones that will lead us to wrong course. You've touch so many valuable points on this topic and I wish you success!

@goodybest, thank you so very much for your wonderful comment.
I really do appreciate.


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