Lifestyle Diary Game (19/11/2024) - I saw highway road construction equipment and eating meat pita at night

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

Hello Everyone
This is @max-pro from, #Bangladesh

Assalamu Alaikum friends. Hope you all are well. By the grace of Allah, I am also well with your prayers. In the name of Allah, I woke up early in the morning and performed ablution and prayed Fajr. Then I spent some time on Steemit. Basically, if I don't see Steemit notifications, I don't feel good. Anyway, I took a selfie in my favorite white t-shirt afterwards.


After that I wanted to walk outside, so I walked from my house to the city. In the morning, the city was completely empty. Some people were out for jogging and few people were traveling early to reach their destination. Currently I am living in Sakhipur Upazila of Tangail District.

So I have lived in Sakhipur city for the past one year. The environment here is very good and I have adapted myself to this environment. After going some distance, I noticed that many stones have been left in front and many holes have been made on the side of the road.

If you look at the picture below, you will understand that the stone has been left almost in the middle of the road. Due to this sometimes it is difficult to travel here. The presence of stones may force drivers to brake suddenly, which may lead to accidents. These problems can create dangerous conditions for vehicles and pedestrians.


I noticed that on one side of the road, a hole had been dug to make a drain. Basically, the process of creating drains along the highway road is done in several steps. Initially the size of the drain is determined as required. A layer is then made of compacted stone and mixed sand as materials for the base of the drain. These stones are usually 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch in size.

A strong bed is prepared by mixing common sand and red sand with this. It is usually made of concrete mix by mixing coarse sand, cement and water for plaster. The sand ratio can usually range from 1:4 to 1:6, depending on how strong and durable the drain is needed. In the picture below you can see that these drain making materials are left on one side of the road.


This initiative has been taken by Sakhipur city government. It is made by plastering inside and around the drain with precast concrete mix. As you can see in the picture below. After the plaster work is completed, the drain is soaked with water for a few days to harden. Then at the last stage, the shield or cover can be fitted according to the design of the drain. The lid was not on when I visited.

  • The perimeter of these drains is Width: Generally 30 cm (about 1 foot) to 1 meter (about 3.3 feet). It depends on road side area and water flow.

  • Depth: The depth of the drain can range from 50 cm (about 1.6 feet) to 1.5 meters (about 5 feet). The depth depends on the amount of water flow and the requirements of the drainage system.

  • Slope: The drain should have a certain slope for proper drainage, usually 1-2% slope so that the water can flow easily.


You all should know that the main reason for building drains in cities is to improve water drainage and prevent various problems. Drains are required for rapid drainage of excess rainwater during monsoons. It prevents waterlogging and inundation of city streets and areas.

If water accumulates, it can cause diseases like dengue, malaria, etc. and it creates bad smell and dirt which can pollute the environment. If that water is removed quickly through drains, the environment remains clean and healthy. So I think if the water accumulates there may be damage to the roads and other infrastructure.

The durability of roads can be increased by draining water through drain system. However, I returned home straight from there. Before coming home I bought a lemon juicer on the street. As per the picture below, if you put a lemon inside it and press it, lemon juice will come out from below.


After that I freshened up and prayed. Then I spent some time on Steemit because I will be participating in an engagement. After that, quite some time passed. Then when it was time for prayer, I went to the mosque and prayed. After praying and coming home in the evening, I got busy with Steemit again.

Later that night I ate the meat pita that was prepared at our house. Meat Pitha is very popular in Bangladesh and is especially popular during festivals and winters. It varies regionally. Look at the picture below in such a style that it is made in my area. I ate it with sauce.


I have briefly mentioned the steps to make it :-

  • Preparation of yeast: Rice powder or flour is mixed with water and salt to make soft yeast.

  • Preparation of meat pura: Dry pura is prepared by mixing minced meat with onions, ginger, garlic, chillies and other spices.

  • Preparation of Pitha: Small balls are made from yeast and pressed into round shape, filled with meat filling and closed to desired shape.

  • Cooking: Meat pita is usually steamed or may be fried in oil.

Meat pita is delicious in taste and is a special dish to share among family and friends. Me and my younger brother ate it together and watched cartoons so it tasted better because it was a chicken patty.


My mom made this pitha beautifully which I enjoyed very much. Anyway, after that I laid down for a while and passed the time on Steemit. Then I worked on my laptop for a while and updated. Anyway after some time I finished all my work and went to bed and ended the day like today and fell asleep. Thank God for such a beautiful day.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog.



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