How to draw the view of the roof of the house in the city?

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

I took this picture above with samsung mobile.

Assalamu-alaikum my dear friends. I am Lamia. And I am from Bangladesh. How are you my dear steemian friends & I hope all of my dear steemian friends are well like me. And Alhamdulellah I am also good. Today's topic is a drawing of a roof view of a house in the city that I drew myself and the drawing method I am now presenting to you.

What are the necessary materials for drawing pictures?
  • Pencil.
  • Tissu.
  • Pencil cutter.
  • A4 size art paper.
  • Black marker.
  • Colour pencil box.
  • Scale.
Each step of drawing pictures

Step 1,

At the beginning of the drawing, I draw a partial shape of a girl with a pencil on a white paper.


Step 2,

Draw the full figure of the girl by drawing a saree and accessories on the girl drawn in pencil.


Step 3,

Draw a hanging rope in front of the girl with both arms raised and draw some clothes on the hanging rope which are being dried in the sun.


Step 4,

Now draw some lines extending from the front to the back of the drawn girl and draw a roof of a building and draw a large building on the right side in front of the girl.


Step 5,

Now add another building behind the big building on the right side in front of the girl and draw a big tree on the left side of the girl.


Step 6,

Now redraw the line with the black ink pencil over the pencil line of the whole image and paint the big building on the right side of the girl green, yellow and blue on the sky.


Step 7,

Then paint the building behind the big building painted green, purple and the tree painted brown, green, yellow.


Step 8,

Then paint yellow on the big cloth of the girl's hand and brown on the lines around the roof.


Step 9,

Now paint the empty space under the girl's feet with a pencil.


Step 10,

Finally, paint the painted girl's body and clothes brown, black, blue, purple.


Selfie of me with the picture drawn


I have already shown you some of my paintings of rooftops in a city that you all have seen. I present it to you with my skills and creativity to draw such a wonderful view of building roofs that you might like.

Where did I get the idea of ​​drawing pictures?

I get the idea of ​​drawing such beautiful scenes from watching Youtube vedio and accordingly I draw such beautiful scenes creatively with my own hands. I present before you the YouTube vedio of my painting.

image - 2023-08-25T221702.610.png


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Curated by : @patjewell

 3 months ago 

@patjewell mam thank you .

 3 months ago 

What a wonderful drawing it is! I become astonished to see your drawing. You draw it very skillfully. You described the drawing step by step wonderfully. You drawing present the everyday scenery of city life. All the best.

 3 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a nice article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If need any help then join our discord

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 3 months ago 

Pleasure! 🎕
You know what I loved about your post?

The fact that you did not claim the drawing to be completely yours but that you did it while watching a YouTube video.
Just one thing: it is good for authentication to write your Steemit name and the date on your drawing.

 3 months ago 

I am very happy to know that you like my drawing post dear mam, I think art is a very creative thing and a good art takes a lot of time. But it is not possible to do it well if you don't have an idea about the content of art before making art, so I sometimes learn to make art by watching YouTube videos and expand my skills accordingly. I will try to present better such drawing later. Please pray for me that I can maintain a good position on this platform.

 3 months ago 

I wish you all the best! 🙏

 3 months ago 

আপনার আর্টটি অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে। ঢাকা শহরে বেশির ভাগ মানুষ বাহিরে কাপড় শুকাতে দিতে পারে না তাই ছাদ বা বারান্দায় কাপড় শুকানোর জন্য দেন । আপনার আর্টের মাধ্যমে আপনি ঢাকায় কিভাবে ছাঁদে কাপড় শুকাতে দেয় তা ফুটে তুলেছেন। এটি খুবই চমৎকার হয়েছে । আপনার জন্য শুভ কামনা রইলো । আশা করি ভবিষ্যতে আরো সুন্দর সুন্দর আর্ট আমরা দেখতে পারবো।

 3 months ago 

আপনার সুন্দর মন্তব্যের জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ আপু, এমন সুন্দর মন্তব্য আমাকে আমার কাজে আরও বেশি উৎসাহীত করে। আশা করি সবসময় পাশে থাকবেন।

 3 months ago 

স্বাগতম আপু । অবশ্যই পাশে থাকবো আপু । আপনার আর্টটি এতটা সুন্দর হয়েছে যার ফলে এই ধরনের মন্তব্য অনায়াসে চলে আসে।

Wow you have drawn the picture very well. The picture has been painted in a very beautiful way.

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