How to draw a beautiful village scene with color pencil?

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

I took this picture above with samsung mobile.

Assalamu-alaikum my dear friends. I am Lamia. And I am from Bangladesh. How are you my dear steemian friends? Hope all of my dear friends are well like me. And Alhamdulellah I am also good. Today I have drawn a beautiful scene of a village with some color pencils and present to you my drawn scene.

What are the necessary materials for drawing pictures?
  • Pencil.
  • Tissu.
  • Pencil cutter.
  • A4 size art paper.
  • Black marker.
  • Colour pencil box.
  • Scale.
Each step of drawing pictures

Step 1,

At the beginning of the drawing, I draw a half-shaped hut with a pencil on the left side of a white paper with all the drawing materials.


Step 2,

Then draw a banana tree again in pencil behind the half-shaped hut drawn.


Step 3,

Draw the painted hut and the bark of a large tree on the right side of the white paper.


Step 4,

Now paint brown, pink, green on the big tree on the right side of the white paper.


Step 5,

Then I paint green, yellow, brown, black on the drawn small hut and the banana tree behind the hut.


Step 6,

Then draw some flowers next to the small hut drawn and draw a river by drawing a blue line next to the flowers. Draw the green bushes on the crooked lines on the river bank.


Step 7,

Now paint the empty space around the house and the empty space on the river bank green.


Step 8,

Finally, finish drawing the picture by painting the river with blue color.


Selfie of me with the picture drawn


I have already presented to you the drawing method in a very simple and creative way by drawing my village scene which you have seen. I still hope you will like this village scene I have drawn and you will encourage me again.

image - 2023-08-25T221702.610.png

 3 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

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 3 months ago 

Your hand drawing is very beautiful looking at the picture Akano looks like your hand skills are very good colorful picture Akano is very nice I wish you all the best I pray that you can present us with more beautiful drawings in the future

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