How to draw a beautiful scene of a village in Bengal?

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

I took this picture above with samsung mobile.

Assalamu-alaikum my dear friends. I am Lamia. And I am from Bangladesh. How are you my dear steemian friends? Hope you all are well like me. And Alhamdulellah I am also good. Today I am here to present to you one of my beautiful drawings and today's topic is a beautiful scene drawing of village Bengal. I present to you my beautiful village scene which I hope you will like.

What are the necessary materials for drawing pictures?
  • Pencil.
  • Tissu.
  • Pencil cutter.
  • A4 size art paper.
  • Black marker.
  • Colour pencil box.
  • Scale.
Each step of drawing pictures

Step 1,

At the beginning of the village scene drawing, I took all the drawing materials and then drew a half-shaped hut on the left side of a white paper and a big tree next to the hut.


Step 2,

Draw a curved line with a pencil line in front of the depicted hut which is basically the village road. Then draw three small huts on the right side of the white paper and two trees in front and behind the hut.


Step 3,

Then on the right side of the drawing paper I draw a picture of a street vendor with a load on his shoulder.


Step 4,

Now paint the half-shaped hut drawn on the left side of the notebook with white, black, and brown colors, and paint black at the bend of the big tree in front of the hut, and paint green at the top of the tree.


Step 5,

Paint white, black, and brown on the three small huts on the right side of the drawing and brown and green on the big tree next to the hut.


Step 6,

Then I paint green and yellow in the space around the huts on the right and left side of the paper.


Step 7,

Now paint green, yellow and light brown on the road and around the house in the drawing.


Step 8,

Finally, paint the man on the road brown, purple and blue. Then I paint white, green, purple, brown on the vegetables between the two baskets in the man's hand.


Selfie of me with the picture drawn


I have already gracefully presented to you the beautiful scene of the green village painted by me which you all have seen. I drew this beautiful scene of the village yesterday on 7th March and creatively presented my scene before you. I hope you will like my beautiful village scene and support me.

image - 2023-08-25T221702.610.png

 3 months ago 

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