Beef liver roast recipe. 14/05/2024

in Steem For Bangladesh20 days ago

Hello Everyone. I am @Kuhinoor from Bangladesh .

Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? I hope and
believe that everyone is well by the infinite grace of God Almighty. Alhamdulillah I am fine. My sincere love and best wishes to

Today I am going to share with you the beef liver roast recipe


Beef liver roast is a delicious dish. Very tasty to eat with roti or hot rice. Roasted liver is a favorite food of children. By eating cow's liver, the blood deficiency is filled, the joint pain of the body and also removes various problems. By eating liver regularly, diseases of the body are reduced.

Here are the ingredients I used to make the Roasted Beef Liver Recipe

1-liver 1/2 kg

2- Dark batter 2 teaspoons

3- 2 teaspoons of garlic paste

4- Onion 5 pieces

5- 1 teaspoon of spices

6- Almond batter 2 teaspoons

7 - 2 tablespoons of sauce

8- Salt to taste

9- 1 teaspoon of cumin and coriander powder

10- Oil 1/2 cup

11- 5 green chillies 5 round chillies

12- 3 teaspoons of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of pepper

Step-1 First I cut the livers to size. And not washed with clean water, then put it in hot water on the stove and boil it for 8-10 minutes, the blood inside the liver will come out. And cooking the liver will not turn black.



Step-2 After boiling, wash well and remove the tough upper layer.


Step-3 Now pour 1 cup of oil in a bowl. I gave it with Anda Bata and Garlic Bata. Then I mixed the spice powder. Well it didn't last like 5 minutes.


Step-4 Now the livers are not mixed with the spices. After kneading for a while, I added the almond batter. And add chopped tomatoes.


Step-5 Now mix water with it. and increase the oven temperature and cover with a lid. Up to 20 minutes.


Step-6 Now mix it with cumin seeds and keep it on medium heat for 2 minutes. Do not remove from the oven.


My roast beef liver recipe is done. Now it can be served hot. I separate the fat from the livers. So there is not much fat floating on the cooked liver. Please pray for me. Everyone will be fine.

Allah is Hafez.

Thanks everyone

 20 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 20 days ago 

Thank you for sharing your delicious beef liver roasted recipe with us. The outlook of your dish is looking good. Beef liver is a very healthy food for human body. Well done and keep sharing such kind of recipe.

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