The Shopping Game -Season 5 | 9-03-2024 | My Shopping Diary Game

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

Shopping is what I like doing for myself so I can shop for the best quality products that I need for myself. When it comes to shopping 🛍️🛒 I don't like going for quantity but quality is what I prefer most in my shopping.

Share the products you bought, the stores you visited, and the people you interacted with.


My last shopping was a Kinni shopping mall. I went to Kinni shopping mall and bought a few products such as body cream, hair cream, toothpaste, brush, and provisions for myself.



Well, while shopping in Kinni shopping mall, I didn't interact with many people in the store. The only people whom I interacted with in the store were the people working in the store and my friend whom I went with to the store. Although, I came in contact with other people whom we only greeted as I went to the store.

Don't just list the items you bought. Share your thoughts and feelings about the shopping experience.

I bought a lot of things in the store such as body cream, toothpaste, and several items from the store. Kinni is one of the best places to shop in my town and I usually like visiting the place each time I want to shop for quality products.


While shopping my experience was a great one, because I was well attended to by the staff of the shopping mall. The customer service salesless representatives provided me with quality service, which made my shopping experience a great one.

I was provided with a shopping 🛒 basket to put in any products that I wanted. The shopping basket was what easy my shopping at Kinni easy because whatever products that I chose to buy I would just put them inside the basket after selecting all the products that I needed, I then rolled the basket to the cashier and made payment.


At the cashier stand I was offered to make payment in different methods such as bank transfer, POS, or cash payment which I was very much pleased with because I was cashless I accepted the bank transfer and made the transfer before I was issued a payment receipt and the products that I bought.

Indeed, my experience at the shopping mall was a wonderful one which I would like to experience again.

I am inviting: @dove11, @entity01, and @ruthjoe


 3 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Amigo de verdad que salir de compras no es nada fácil y más cuando uno tiene que buscar de un lado a otro en busca de buenos precios.

Se ve que usted es un buen comprador que disfruta su día de compras.

 3 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

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 3 months ago 

Thank🥰 you very much for sharing a beautiful article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. You have shared a wonderful diary with us.I think you enjoyed the day very much.Good luck.🥰

 3 months ago 

Jika kita dilayani dengan baik oleh pelayan pada tempat kita berbelanja pasti kita mau kembali lagi kesana untuk kembali berbelanja, saya juga merasa sangat bahagia berbelanja di tempat saya di hargai, postingan yang bagus saudara, semoga kita bisa terus sukses


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Curated by : @dove11

 3 months ago 

I enjoyed watching your shopping dairy game. Our Eid is approaching, we will go shopping and buy various things. You have shopped for toothpaste hair cream variety. And shared them with us. Best wishes to you in this month of Ramadan.@josepha

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