Contest 📢 : " Season 1 Save Water Save World "

in Steem For Bangladesh4 months ago (edited)
Assalamu Alaikum Steemians

My username is @jimiaera02 and I'm from Bangladesh.

Hi friends! How are you all? Thank God, I'm doing okay as well. I'd like to thank @mostofazaman brother, the moderator of the Steem for Bangladesh community, for setting up this lovely competition for the Bangladeshi community. The contest's name is "Save Water Save Word". To take part in this fantastic event, I'm inviting my steemians friends: @mahadisalim @zisha-hafiz @jebanikajeba @abdul-rakib. For humans and other species to survive, fresh water is necessary.
Nevertheless, as a result of elements including population expansion, pollution, climate change, and inadequate water management techniques Water shortage is a problem that is getting worse. But because of things like pollution, population expansion, climate change, and ineffective water management techniques, water shortage is becoming a more urgent issue.

  • How important is water to sustain our life?


Living things on Earth depend on water to survive. It is vital to many body processes and operations, which makes it essential to human existence. ​ Organs, tissues, and cells all depend on water for their proper functioning. Water is a medium that the body uses to move waste materials and nutrients throughout. For the digestive system to absorb nutrients, it aids in their dissolution. Water Aids in Temperature Regulation: Sweating and breathing are two ways in which the body releases heat. The body cools when water from our skin evaporates through sweat. Venturing moisture outward also aids in controlling body temperature. Water relieves friction and guards against harm by lubricating joints and providing cushioning for tissues and organs. Detoxification: Through perspiration and urine, among other activities, water helps the body rid itself of waste and toxins. Along with supporting liver function, it aids in the kidneys' removal of waste. Mental Process: Sustaining mental processes and focus requires adequate fluids. Memory, emotions, and general brain function can all be negatively impacted by even minor dehydration. It smoothes food particles, makes it easier for nutrients to pass through the intestinal wall, and softens feces to stave off constipation.

  • Should we prevent water pollution and why?


Environmental Impact: The devastation of habitats and decline in biodiversity are caused by water pollution, which damages aquatic ecosystems. In addition to killing fish and other aquatic life, contaminated water can upend food networks and eventually topple entire ecosystems.

Human Health: Drinking contaminated water can seriously harm a person's health. Long-term health complications from contaminated water consumption or contact include skin infections, reproductive disorders, gastrointestinal ailments, and cancer.
Economic Costs: The contamination of water has a substantial financial cost to society. Affected industries like fishing, tourism, and agriculture might suffer financial losses and loss of livelihoods as a result of contaminated water supplies. In addition, the cost of cleaning contaminated water for industrial or residential use might put pressure on public coffers.

Drinking Water: To survive, humans need clean water.

Long-Term Sustainability: Maintaining the quality of the water is essential to the long-term survival of human societies and ecosystems. We can maintain the equilibrium of natural ecosystems and protect water supplies for future generations by stopping water pollution.

  • What will the world look like if the earth runs out of food water?

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A catastrophic situation including dire effects for both humanity and the global ecosystem would arise if food and water were to run out on Earth. This is a hypothetical synopsis of what such a world could resemble:

Starvation and Famine: Billionaires would be at risk of starvation if there was no food. As a result, there would be widespread starvation, compromised immune systems, and heightened illness vulnerability. The problem would probably worsen if disputes and civil unrest over a few resources didn't stop.

Mass Migration: As a result of the widespread migrations in search of food and water, there would be an unprecedented number of refugees. Resources in areas that already struggle to sustain their people would be put under pressure, which could result in disputes over resources and territorial boundaries.

Economic failure: Agricultural system failure would wreak havoc on economies everywhere. Prices would rise due to a shortage of food, causing inflation and unstable economic conditions. Food distribution and processing, two industries dependent on agriculture, would also be negatively impacted, leading to a large loss of jobs and a worsening of the economy.

Degradation of the Environment: There would be significant effects on the environment if water resources were to run out. When animals and plants go extinct from a shortage of water, food chains and biodiversity are upset, and ecosystems come to an end. Once-fertile regions would quickly become dry wastelands due to desertification.

Health Crisis: In the absence of clean water, sanitation systems would malfunction and waterborne illnesses like dysentery and cholera would spread. The immune systems of populations would be further weakened by inadequate nourishment, increasing their susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Technical Innovation and Solutions: During a crisis like this, technical innovation would be given more attention to alleviate the scarcity of food and water. Technological developments in hydroponics, vertical farming, desalination, and water recycling technologies could be included in this. However putting such concepts into practice on a large scale would require a lot of infrastructure and resources, which might be difficult to accomplish during a world crisis. Social and Political instability: There would probably be a great deal of social unrest and political instability as a result of the food and water systems failing. A government's inability to care for its people and keep the peace may exacerbate authoritarianism or even cause a state to collapse in some areas.

  • In what ways we can keep water pollution-free and prevent water wastage?


Water pollution and waste can only be avoided with a complex strategy that includes both individual and group efforts. These are a few tactics:

Reduce Chemical Usage: To stop runoff into water bodies, use as little as possible of pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals in landscaping and agriculture. Correct Waste Management: It is important to correctly dispose of hazardous waste, like paints, batteries, and oils, to avoid contamination of water sources.

Safeguard Watersheds: Preserve and restore natural environments that assist filter pollutants from water and serve as buffers against pollution, such as riparian zones and wetlands.

Wastewater Treatment: Make investments in state-of-the-art wastewater treatment facilities to guarantee that industrial and sewage effluents are adequately cleaned before being dumped into water bodies.

Encourage Water Conservation: Promote the use of water-efficient appliances, leak repair, xeriscaping, and other water-saving landscaping techniques.

Public Education: Use educational initiatives aimed at people, communities, and companies to spread awareness of the value of conserving water and preventing pollution. Enforcement of stringent rules on industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, and other water pollution sources is necessary to guarantee adherence to environmental requirements.

Goodbye for today: thanks for reading, stay safe, and I hope all of you are well.



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 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Water is very important for all people and all organisms. You have created your post very well. I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing your post.

 4 months ago 

Thank you so much sister.Stay well.

 4 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a beautiful article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If you have any questions you'd like to know or are experiencing any problems, join our Discord servers for help. We are always active here to serve the users. And you are invited to participate in our weekly online hangout. Click the link below to join our discord server.

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 4 months ago 

আমরা সবাই জানি যে পানি আমাদের জীবনে কতটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান।কিন্তু আমরাই আবার পানিকে নানাভাবে দুষিত করছি। পানি দূষনের কারনে আমরা নানা রোগে ভুগছি।তাই আসুন পানি দূষণ রোধ করি জীবন রক্ষা করি।

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