THE DIARY GAME || 05/03/2024 || A Beautiful Normal Day.

in Steem For Bangladesh6 months ago
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
Dear Steam for Bangladesh!

I am Jasim Uddin. All admins and moderators of the community hope all are well by the infinite mercy of Almighty God. I am also well by the infinite mercy of Allah. First of all love and respect to you.
You are all aware of me
Journalism. So today, like every day, I came to share with you a diary game to discuss how I spent today in March.


Although this morning is not a special day for me, it has been busy from morning till evening. You are aware of one more thing, I work in a madrasa educational institution along with journalism. Like every day, he wakes up in the morning and leaves the house without having a light breakfast. I spent time in the madrasa from morning till noon. In the meantime, I talked to my journalist friends about going to Gadkhali, the famous flower capital of my area. It is known that a picnic has been organized with journalist friends there next Friday. That's why we will visit there beforehand and make inquiries to determine the picnic spot. It is already lunch time.


Without coming home at noon, 10 journalists left for the picnic spot after eating some light food from the local market. At one point, soon after 4 pm, we reached and went around the various spots, determined a spot, discussed with the authorities and recorded ourselves there. In the afternoon, at the arrival of twilight, I met the officer in charge of the local police station regarding all these matters. Then we left for the destination i.e. to return home.


By the infinite mercy of Allah, everyone returned safely to their respective areas. Then came to the market and bought some food for the wife and children along with some vegetables for the house and went home.

Coming home, the clock struck nine at night. Got home freshened up and did some steemit work and started preparing my diary game post to share with you all. Hope you like my diary game activity today. I bid you farewell now, wishing everyone well and good health. Allah Hafez.

Thanks everyone for visiting my blog today.

Best regards @jasimuddin0

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