Let's stand by the cold

in Steem For Bangladesh8 months ago
Assalamualaikum With God's grace, I pray everything is OK on your end. I am Md. Imrul Zayed. I will point out to you all how cold it is today.

Every year, winter comes to us. It goes on. Nonetheless, the impoverished and helpless endure misery. Monsoon and winter. The most defenseless individuals suffered the most in both situations. Their pitiful support soothes them. You have to put up with discomfort all day. Take steps to shield the helpless and destitute from the harsh cold. your shabby clothes that you probably don't need anymore. Those articles of clothing can now save the life of a homeless person. Show them some love!


Bengal Paush and Magh experience winter according to the seasonal cycle. There are no more seasons in this land of six seasons. There are three distinct seasons in the world. Extreme heat, cold, and rain all have a greater effect.ree seasons that are impacted by climate change. The effects of intense rain, freezing temperatures, and high heat are greater. Even though Bengali Paush and Magha spend the winter in all six seasons, in certain years the winter months begin at the end of Kartika and extend till Falgun.Climate change is causing the level to drop and the temperature to rise. The severity of winter gets worse as the temperature drops.


This winter gets really cold quite a bit. This year, winter came much later. By the end of the month of Paus, the temperature dropped and the severity of winter deepened. Winter has arrived with harsh cold across the country. Many illnesses are afflicting elderly people and youngsters this winter.


There have been multiple reported deaths this winter. Many elderly people and young people have become unwell. Numerous hospital hospitalizations have resulted from respiratory problems, and a large number of individuals are undergoing family therapy. Other than that, women, children, and the elderly who live outside are in constant pain. They keep a fire going all night long in the cold. Their eyes have not rested well because of the winter. Regarding Dhaka city, at the bus stations in Gabtali, Jatrabari, Sadarghat, and Kamalapur train station, hundreds of people live outside. They don't have a house; he sleeps on his back where the night is. Apart from that, thousands of individuals live on different roads in Dhaka. The sidewalk is their home.


Despite being a democratic nation, many Bangladeshis do not receive their fundamental necessities in a democratic fashion. These people are leading the roughest lives this winter. To protect the lives of ten amazing people, we respectfully request that those of us who occasionally spend thousands of rupees on a party or dinner not organize any more parties. The Creator says that when one loves the living, they are serving God. Thus, it is imperative that capable people assist those in need, even from a religious perspective. On my Steemit, I'm begging with revered professors, elder brothers, and friends: let's support and stand by the cold.

 8 months ago 


We may be enjoying life outside the house in the harshness of winter, but the dire situation of the naked people who are lying on the streets is evident. Yes, there are many around us who are living a miserable life for want of good winter clothes

I like your article, stay well and stay healthy

 8 months ago 

The images used in your post are taken from the internet. This is not acceptable. I would suggest you to use your original image. The original source must be mentioned if someone else's picture or picture is taken from the internet. In particular I would suggest you to visit the following websites for using copyright free images. Hope you will pay attention.


Below are the similarity links of the two images you used. 👇



 8 months ago 

Thank you sir. I will keep your instructions in mind and act as per your instructions.

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