📢 Contest Steem For Bangladesh 📢 : "Reflect on the Past Year and Set Goals for 2024"

Hello Dear Friends

Assalamu Alaikum, how are you, I hope you are well, may Allah keep you always well and give you health, and friends, I am @hammad-historian, and I am from #Pakistan, I enjoyed watching a contest, so I want to participate in it. I am very thankful to @mostofajaman who organized this contest and we can share all our feelings. I liked the topic of this contest very much, so I should try to participate in it.

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What important lessons do you think you have learned in Old Year 2023?

I have learned a lot from this year and I have a lot to learn, so there are some things that I will share with you and tell you what this year has taught me. And this year I got what I wanted. What happened this year sir my result was the second year and I was going to get admitted to university also my father said that if I got good marks he would give me an iPhone and it happened that In the first year, I had worked hard but in the second year I had done a little less due to which my marks were normal, neither too high nor too low. Well, I told my father that my result was out, and he said that I still didn't have high marks, so I told my father that when my result came I passed with good marks, God willing.

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My last pic in college with friends and sir

Then they gave me a mobile phone and now I was feeling ashamed and because of that I could not even tell them that I wanted a mobile phone but they said that my parents always cherish the happiness of children and they gave me this. Despite the mistake, he still gave me the mobile phone. So this is how I realized that just as the wishes of children are important for parents, children should also respect the wishes of their parents and friends now I am a third-year student and now my admission to university It's done, I am doing BS history, besides, my final papers are coming up after a one month and my effort is not to disappoint my father in this year.


Was there something where you didn't succeed as planned?

me and my friend

Yes, I had a plan in which I could not succeed. Which I have already told in the question. That my result was ego and my father thought that I would pass with good marks. But I passed but less. Passed by number. So this was one thing that I tried to get more marks but I could not succeed in it, so this year 2023 I did this one thing in which I could not succeed.


Share with us what your life goals are in 2024.

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2023 syllabus that I have to prepare for finals and now I am taking a class in 2024

I have many goals in 2024. One is that I succeed in the final papers at the first level. And the second is that I will change the model of my mobile phone and get a bigger one, God willing. I will not disappoint my father and my family. Apart from this, I am trying to fulfil my needs as well as the needs of my family to be a good son and earn something for them.


What are your plans for the Steemit in 2024?


I have joined Steemit on the last of 2023. I didn't know much about this thing my sister guided me so that I could meet my expenses. My expenses increased a lot due to going to university. So I wanted not to put a burden on anyone, then my sister told me about this thing, so I started this work for a month and a half with Steemit. And inshallah this year I want to I can build a good reputation on Steemit. And secondly, I get all the knowledge about Steemit. And my effort is that I can be successful on Steemit.

Hope you all liked my article and I would like to invite some of my friends @nalainzahra,@moyeon and @zaibb to participate in it and share their feelings with us.


Kind Regards


 6 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

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