Contest - My Happiness!!!
✅ Are you a happier person?
Happiness is somewhat challenging to quantify. It would involve moments of some type of satisfaction, news, or events in daily life. There aren't many reasons to feel happy, I believe. It's influenced by the expectations each person has about what happiness is in general. I would say I am a positive person and try to motivate my family and friends to also feel good about themselves because laughter is not precisely happiness. Watching a funny video and laughing is not happiness. Happiness is more influenced by the quality of life one achieves. If one has a miserable life, it's very difficult to have real and constant happiness. Therefore, I believe the environment is the cause of happiness, linked to the decisions we make that ultimately result in happy rather than sad outcomes.
✅ What generally makes you happy or sad?
I find happiness in peace and a moderate economic situation since I am the head of the family. Ensuring the essentials for life and creating a peaceful environment are my central tasks. Achieving this makes it easier to create a relaxed atmosphere for moments of good humor, which are a resource for the soul exhausted by the reality that drains all enthusiasm.
✅ What makes you smile?
Well, I enjoy humor, and who doesn't? This could be due to good news, such as resolving an unpaid bill or seeing my son doing well. My wife's health and well-being, a tidy home, and being able to work consistently, which is the only way to get ahead, also bring a smile to my face.
✅ Does the weather ever affect how you feel?
Rainy days are days I like to watch a movie, and sunny days are for doing something outside the house. So, the only thing I don't like is the cold; I hate it. Every time I get cold, I end up with a horrible flu, so cold is a cruel enemy.
✅ Do you think people in your country are generally happy?
Well, right now, the economy is tough, and it's challenging when you can barely afford to eat to truly feel free to be happy. But overall, it's a people without problems. We accept anyone from any country. Many people from around the world live here, and there is no discrimination. We love black, dark-skinned, and light-skinned people. There are no issues of this kind in our society, which is why people from anywhere come, and there are no differences.
Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)
While reading you I thought 'me too' I agree with everything you say although there are some slight differences if it comes to what makes me sad.
It must be nice to live in a country where everyone tolerates each other or even can be friends.
I wish you a lot of shining days and good laughter, for sure sun will help to achieve that.
Thanks for inviting, I also learned something from the way your post looks like.