SEC-S15W1 : The Wonder of Science

in Steem For Bangladesh6 months ago

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The Wonder of Science

Civilization is closely related to human culture that grows and develops every day, the result of a thought to know many things they see makes every civilization want to learn from the state of nature. Curiosity and the urge to know make the culture find a way to understand everything on Earth, based on the study and observation cultural civilization continues to develop and discover many things that were initially unknown.

Almost all the development of civilization is related to Science, covering all aspects of life that are physical or non-physical. Science itself is defined as the science that studies the universe and its contents and can be explained with evidence that is tested and can be understood by humans as well as a form of understanding to be able to change civilization for the better.

Science has helped build a great civilization. - What is your opinion on this matter?

Human curiosity towards the universe is the key to human survival as a civilization, making humans will always be close to science in this case Science. The birth of the golden generation of every civilization led to the emergence of human thinkers who tested and studied the behavior and also the way nature works. Things that are considered difficult are made much easier, and things that are considered easy are made much more practical.

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Testing and observation methods are carried out in many sectors of life, all related to physical and non-physical on Earth and around the Earth becoming objects of observation to present knowledge with different purposes and functions. Everything is to find new things that are much more effective and efficient that have not been known before so that knowledge of science becomes an important foundation in changing civilization regardless of the good and bad results of the development of Science..

How do you think our lives would be if there was no science?

Science is a branch of Science and plays an important role in human efforts to find useful things, the great role of Science in life has a huge impact on the progress of the population in the world. Health problems, technological problems, climate, and weather problems are some of the problems that require science as a branch of science needed by humans to be developed and utilized.

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Life without science will return man to an undeveloped civilization, where man will survive as man in previous civilizations. Without science man is not able to reach a detailed understanding of Nature, let alone to control the state of nature and the problems of life, to understand only man is not able to do it.

If you could ask a famous scientist one question, who would it be, and what would you ask

Tip 3 in this contest was a little interesting, I was able to ask a question to a world-famous scientist. If that could happen then I would ask one of the most famous scientists of that time, he was the inventor of the first algebra in the world. Al Khwarizmi was an inventor in Mathematics and physics, born in 780 in Iraq.


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The question I will ask Al Khwarizmi is, "What is the basis of his study and observation to form the Algebra?

Share three amazing science discoveries that make our lives easier.

In the end, I will tell you 3 pretty amazing discoveries of science, all three of which are a fraction of the hundreds of other great discoveries of any civilization that will. The three scientific discoveries include :

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  1. The discovery of Algebra by Al Khwarizm is the first amazing thing, this science is a form of mathematical science that focuses on simplifying or solving problems in the Mathematical Sciences. His role was great in several subsequent inventions, especially in the field of technology and also information.

  2. Electrical development such as the use of electrical energy developed by a British scientist named Michael Faraday. The use of electricity encourages the creation of light bulbs and other electronic devices, thus changing world civilization.

  3. Development and discovery in the field of Health, an Islamic figure named Ibn Sina is one of them. He was a fairly influential figure in the field of Medicine and Health Sciences, his discoveries are very useful today. One of them was Ibn Sina the first doctor who used anesthesia in the world of Health, in addition to his other discoveries.

At the end that's what I can describe for the theme in this first week, I am very happy to participate and invite @radjasalman, @malikusman1, @waterjoe, and @ripon0630 to participate, best regards to all of you.

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This is beautiful my friend.
Technology has indeed brought civilization and made things easier for us.
Wish you the very best in this challenge

 6 months ago 

We agree, thanks for this valuable comment my friend. I wish you success too.

 6 months ago 

Greetings, this science teaches us reality rather than assumptions. Science does not believe in assumptions about anything. Science has modernized us and given us modern civilization. Now a single moment cannot be imagined without science. You want to ask al-Khwarizmi about algebra. Good luck to you.

 6 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 


The solution to all problems exists in science. Human opportunities are increasing, various engines are developed and everything is made easily. None of us will forget the benefits of electricity Because it benefits us a lot, otherwise we would have to spend our lives like ancient people.

Good luck to you in this competition, stay well. Take love friend

 6 months ago 

Science is developing our world through various technologies, starting from house materials to making everything we need and making it more modern. Electricity is such a necessity in our life without which life would have turned into darkness.. The question made by the scientist is really nice. Algebra is an interesting subject. I like Algebra but I don't understand physics.
.Wishing you success

 6 months ago 

Physics is always difficult, but I don't know why it's interesting for those who have an interest in it. Good luck to you and thanks for the comment.

 6 months ago 

@fantvwiki dear
It is true.
Thank you again

Hello dear, greetings to you. I hope you are enjoying the sweet moments of your life.

You have a best knowledge of this topic. You say Science is the birth of every civilization. All the golden civilization got started when the human thinkers started thinking and they tested and studied the behavior and also the way nature works. I completely agree with you here.

However you believe that civilization is closely related to human culture that grows and develops every day. These days science is the part of every culture so we can say our civilization is due to science.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

 6 months ago 

Dear, you might want to ask alkhrizom, the inventor of algebra, a few questions. Algebra simplified mathematical calculations. Algebra is one of my favorite subjects. Then you talk about medical science and the inventor of electricity. Science has made the greatest contribution to medicine in our age. Medical science has given relief to people when the world is suffering from Corona epidemic. Science has modernized man since the beginning of time. Your science writing is very nice. Good luck to you.

 6 months ago 

Your post on the importance of science in shaping civilization is insightful. I appreciate how you emphasize human curiosity as the driving force behind our progress. Your thoughts on a world without science underline its vital role in our development. Choosing Al Khwarizmi as a hypothetical question recipient adds an interesting historical touch. Well expressed...


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