SEC-S10W5: My story of losing a precious thing

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year



Loosing a precious thing is always a sad experience. Everyone does not plan to acquire things only to loose it. Many, including me, have lost several valuable things. It has always been a sad experience. Such memories are always had to forget.

Many times, such experience makes one to be very careful at all times thereby guiding what he/she has jealously.

I have been a victim few times and i learnt my lessons.

Have you ever lost something that was very important to you?(If you have a picture of the item please share it with us)

I have lost something before. It was very important to me. I lost my umbrella.

It was in a rainy season when i was an undergraduate. I didn't have an umbrella to use under the rain. I usually have 7 am classes and it was raining cat and dog those days. Sometimes, i would miss class because of the rain or even go to school under it. I did not even have any money to get umbrella for myself.

I later called my father and told him about the situation. He got a new umbrella for me. I was excited about it.

Few weeks after that, I went to read in the library and dropped my umbrella and bag on the shelve where everyone are expected to keep things before entering the library.

It rained that day and i was reading in the library. Later, i stood up to go home. I left the library only for me to get to the shelf and my umbrella was not there. I searched everywhere but did not see it. Someone must have picked it and left with it under the rain.

I felt so bad not knowing what to do. I remembered how i suffered to go to school under the rain and the consolation that umbrella brought to me. The thought of staying again without umbrella was something i didn't want to remember. I felt so sad.

What emotions did you experience upon losing the item?

I felt so sad. I was not happy about the situation.

Did you do anything to find it?What was the result?

I searched everywhere. I even asked friends to know if they were the ones that took it but i did not receive any positive outcome.

What steps do you follow to avoid losing such precious items in the future?

I was very careful. Anytime i go to school with umbrella or other important items, i will take it into the library or won't enter the library at all.

Many people had similar issues, some even lost their files. I learnt my lessons and i applied it till i graduated.

I have always been careful to know where i keep my things anywhere i go

No body wants to loose anything. No matter the value accrued to such a thing, everyone wants to either give to to someone if it's still good or throw it away if it's not usable than loosing it.

 last year 

El paraguas ☂️ en un objeto que se pierde con facilidad, por no estar acostumbrado a usarlo, lo podemos olvidar en cualquier lugar.
El suyo tenía un valor bien importante, porque fue un regalo de su padre, para que se protegiera de la lluvia, al momento de asistir a la escuela.
Es lamentable este tipo de situación.

Thank you

El paraguas, además de protegerla de la lluvia mientras asiste a la escuela, fue un regalo de su padre, por ello duele aún más su pérdida. De todos modos, aunque se entiende su contrariedad, no es culpa suya de que se haya extraviado. La persona que debe cuidar esas prendas que dejamos afuera, antes de pasar al recinto, debió hacer mejor su trabajo y preservar los objetos que estaban allí... Éxitos, amigo. Saludos...

Thank you


You have a implicit article. Always remember that in life everything happen for a reason. Our experience of life gives us the ability to learn and move on.

Thank you very much

 last year 

Wow. I know how important an umbrella can be expecially during rainy season is good to know that you have become more carful in handling your things. I wish you good luck you can check mine if you have time.

 last year 

So sorry friend indeed losing something more important to us is really unbearable and painful. So sorry for the lost I wish you success

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