Sec season 16 week 5 || share any two of your favorite gadgets||
A charger and a torch
Hello friends and family
Greetings from my part. I want to sincerely appreciate the steemit team and the entire steemit blog for the initiative of the engagement challenge contests, thanks for making everything lively, thanks for thinking of this best way of bringing steemians to engage together and I never regret knowing about this wonderful platform.
What are the names of your two favorite gadgets? And how to use it?
Gadgets are things we use in the house which they can also be refered to as electronic gadgets. The gadgets peope are found of using among all gadgets are our mobile phones and computers however, as the contests de⅝mands, below are my two favorite gadgets;
- A charger
- A torchlight
A charger is an important gadgets that a mobile phone cannot survive without it. A charger is a life giver athrough the power supply units. How to use charges are all the same but you must know that, as you charge your phone, do not allow it to draw down alittke and take it back to a charge again, its very bad and chargers might exploid.
A torch light works the same as the electrical power. How to use this torch is to make sure the owner of the charges charges the light becauwe anything can be done. When NEPA takes light then the light will serve as a light to us all..
Explain how your life has become easier by using these two gadgets.
Honestly, these gadgets eyes are very helpful to our lives and they make things very easier.
I live in a country whereby, light or NEPA light are not too steady. I had to get for myself a to buy me a torch light because I know how important bit is, so this torch light helps to brightens the place where isbmm
A phone charger have made my life so beautiful and easier. I am with my phone right now but after a while I will have to charge it because a phone cannot just stay and see the phone filled with batteries no! Using this charger to charge my phone is so helpful, I use the charger to charge other phones, torches, power bank etc.
Share photos of your favorite gadgets. And talk casually about their prices and where to get them
These are the photos of my favourite 2 gadgets , I am so excited to show these things and gladly share their importance. These things are very important things to us all.
Do you want everyone to use these gadgets? If you use any other gadget apart from these two gadgets then share and discuss about it briefly
Yes I would want everyone to use this gadgets and then testify of how good and also enjoying they are. I love it so well becaus with makes my work earlier, since when I was growing I kept asking why a white man was able to make some things just the was they are and I have realised that these things are going help.
The extension box is very necessary or it is the top thing one think that is very special
I want to speak on a gadget that is as well very important. Without the use of an extension box, people might not have chances of charging their phones, mp3 and laptops etc.
Thank you for reading to this point my friends, I invite my friends to participate.
Most of the gadgets that we use in our homes are electronic gadget and you have your torch light and your charger that you use in charging your mobile phone.
Your charger is used to charge your mobile phone which make you to stay active in steemit platform, your torch light is used to see road at night which is very helpful to you.
This is a wonderful and important gadgets that everyone will love to use and i wish you the very best in this challenge.
I wish you the very best in this challenge do have a nice day my friend 😊
Thank you @bonaventure24 for your comment, I am glad you attest to the fact that the mentioned gadgets on my post are very important gadgets to humans and I thank you once more for visiting my blog, I wish you success.
My pleasure
Your favorite gadgets are cool. The touch light is very important in every home, although I don't have one in my home but I need to purchase one already, I wish you had mentioned the price here, at least I will have the idea of how much it is sold. Chargers are very important as we use it to power our phone to get batteries. I am sure your extension serves a good purpose. Good luck to you!
Thank you my friend, i am going to add the prices as adviced and its very important. Thank you very much for that, I appreciate your time to read through my post dear, success!
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Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.I appreciate your support. Doing better in this amazing platform is my priority and I wish you all the best too.
Hello friends how are you. Hope you are well. I am really glad to see you on this platform. Thank you Steam for Bangladesh for joining this contest. The two gadgets you have shared with us are really awesome and much needed. Thank you very much for that. stay well
Yes, these gadgets are very important to us and helps to ease our works. Thank you for your kind comment on my post and I wish you success too.