" Season 1 Save Water Save World "

in Steem For Bangladesh4 months ago

Dear stemain friends,
I'm @1980
From #bangladesh
Happy Mahe Ramadan to all. Hope everyone is well. Best wishes to all.

"Contest 📢 : " Season 1 Save Water Save World"

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How important is water to sustain our life?

If we talk about water, the description will not end. Still briefly describing the importance of water. As far as I know if land and water are divided on this earth three out of four is water and one is land. Allah Ta'ala has created the earth in such a way based on the demand of water on the surface of the earth. So, the importance of water in the world is essential. Water is very important in our life. God made us that way. Our body is also three-fourths of water. There is a saying “water is another name of life” without water it is not possible to live. Water is important not only for human life, but for the survival of every animal. I remember the incident at Rana Plaza when the building collapsed, many people died and few people were rescued alive, it took many days to complete the rescue operation. Rescue workers rescue a man just five days after the building collapsed. How was he alive after not eating for so many days, the man said there was water and he was living on water. So, water is very important to sustain our life. Water is needed to survive.
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Should we prevent water pollution and why?

Prevention of water pollution is a must. If water pollution is not prevented, we cannot live healthy. Water pollution must be prevented for healthy living. But water pollution can be prevented if we all work together. If we drink unpurified water, many diseases will spread in our body and we will die at a young age.
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What will the world look like if the earth runs out of food water?

If the earth's food water runs out, the condition of the earth will be dire. The unique beauty of the creation of the world is food water, if there is no food water, the world will not have that beauty. Earth will be a desert. If the earth does not have food water, then the earth will turn into a pit of fire.


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In what ways we can keep water pollution-free and prevent water wastage?

There are several ways to prevent water pollution and water wastage. For example, we ourselves are the main cause of water pollution in canals and rivers. If we are a little aware then water pollution will be reduced a lot. What I do is if the water in my house seems polluted to me, I boil the water and drink it or use a heater. Many times, I have noticed that we use more water than we need. At home we wash the dishes leaving the water tape and we brush our teeth leaving the tape and the same is the case during the bath. We are leaving the water tape on the toilet even while using the toilet. If we are a little aware of these, then the prevention of water wastage will be reduced.

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Thanks everyone reading my post

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My invite three friends


 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

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 4 months ago 

Thank you madam

 4 months ago 

এই পানির কারণে আমরা বেচে আছি। আবার এই পানি যখন দূষিত হয়ে এর কারনেই মৃত্যুর দিকে ধাবিত হচ্ছি।পানি দূষণ রোধ একার পক্ষে সম্ভব নয়। সবাইকে এগিয়ে আসতে হবে পানি দূষণ রোধ করার জন্য। পানি দূষণ রোধ করার মাধ্যমে আমরা জীবন বাচাতে পারি।

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