The diary game for 27/06/2024 // I have to be busy with office work all day

Assalamu Alaikum

I am Asad. Hope everyone is well. Today I woke up at five in the morning. Then I went to the washroom and got fresh. I freshened up and had breakfast. Then I put on clothes. Then I left home to go to office. I leave early every morning to go to office. Because the road is very congested. I used to go to office by motorcycle every day. Then I reached office by nine in the morning. I went to the office and freshened up and started my daily official work.


I work in the office till one in the afternoon. Then I had lunch. My office is basically in two floors. I came downstairs to have lunch. I went to the office canteen and had lunch. Then sat there and took some rest. Then at 2 pm I came back to my work place. Then I started official work.


I was in the office room till four in the afternoon. For some time I went out of the room. There was a big leafy tree in the office. That tree looks good. A red private car is standing in front of the office. I wandered outside for some time. Because it feels bad to sit in one place all the time. I went to the office again. I made tea in an electric kettle. Then I had tea. Sometime from office I left for home at 5 pm.



I took a selfie before leaving for home. I did some shopping before going home. I reached home at seven in the evening. I got fresh when I came home. I ate some light breakfast. Then rested for some time. I usually eat bread most of the time at night. So I ate bread with dal around 9 pm. Then I went to sleep early.

Achievement 1 || My introductory post

 last month 

@asadul-haque, আপনি সর্বপ্রথম আপনার Achievement 1 পোস্টটি সঠিক তথ্য দ্বারা ভেরিফাই করুন এবং ভেরিফাইড পোস্ট লিংকটি আপনার পোস্টের নিচে শেয়ার করুন। মনে রাখবেন এই platform এ কাজ শুরুর পূর্বে আপনাকে অবশ্যই Achievement 1 পোস্টটি ভেরিফাইড হতে হবে।

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