SEC-S17W1: Season of My Country

in Steem For Bangladeshlast month


In our country, Pakistan, we have four seasons just like a perfectly balanced meal – summer, winter, autumn, and spring. But if I had to pick a favorite, it would definitely be winter.

Why? Well, let's just say I'm all about cozying up in layers like a human onion, sipping hot cocoa like it's my job, and pretending I'm a ninja with my breath fogging up in the chilly air.

Winter here is like wrapping yourself in a warm, fuzzy blanket and saying, "Ah, this is the life!"

If there was one season you wanted to skip forever, which one would it be? Explain the reason.

If I had to kick one season to the curb forever, it would definitely be summer. Why? Well, imagine feeling like you're slowly turning into a human marshmallow, sweating like a leaky faucet, and getting personally attacked by mosquitoes the size of helicopters.

IMG_20240413_212831.jpg After the rain, my home is enveloped in lush greenery, with trees stretching proudly, painting a serene, refreshing scene.

Summer here is like being stuck in an oven set to "extra crispy," where even the ice cream melts faster than your hopes of staying cool.

Let's just say, if I could hibernate until autumn rolls around, I'd be one happy camper!

Describe a traditional or special activity that people in your country do during a particular season.

Ah, let me paint you a picture of a traditional shindig in our neck of the woods! Picture this: it's springtime, & folks in our country are gearing up for kite flying season.

Outside my uni hostel last year, I witnessed the most stunning natural beauty, a sight that still lingers in my memory.

It's like a colorful invasion of the skies, with kites of all shapes & sizes duking it out for aerial dominance.

From rooftop battles to friendly competitions, it's a sight to behold! And let's not forget the snacks – because every good kite-flying session needs a side of crispy samosas & refreshing lemonade to keep the energy soaring high!

Are there any special foods or drinks that people in your country enjoy most during certain seasons? If so, what is it and why?

Oh, let me dish out the deets on our seasonal munchies! When winter comes knocking on our doors, you better believe it's time to whip up some steaming hot chai & indulge in some piping hot pakoras.

It's like a warm hug for your taste buds, with every sip & crunch sending you straight to flavor town! And let's not forget about mangoes – when summer hits, it's mango mania all the way.

It's like the whole country goes bananas (or should I say mangoes?) over these juicy, golden treasures!

kind Regards


Adieu, folks!

May the winds of fortune
carry you to greatness!

 last month 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

Dear, your country Pakistan has four seasons. Your favorite season is winter. I came to know by reading your post. My country has six seasons. I like spring season. But I like your favorite winter season too. Actually all seasons are important. But I avoid summer season because due to climate change there are lot of lightning in our country. Your writing is very beautiful. Good luck to you.

 last month 

Very happy to read your post and good to know that you belong to Pakistan and Pakistan also has four seasons which is a very special gift of Allah Almighty and no less than a great gift.

Yes, dear, you are right, you said that all the seasons have their dead, each season has some characteristics and gifts that are necessary for our environment and for us, like sunlight in summer and specially that of crops. So the spring is very beneficial for the plants and the wasteland and also you talked about the cold and how the cool scene calms us down.

 last month 

Dear @artist1111
Thank you so much for sharing a post by which I come to know about the seasons of your country.You have presented wonderfully the different seasons of your country with its characteristics.Every season has some own characteristics. One is different from other. Nature changes it look in every season. By reading you post I come to know that there are four seasons in your country. Some like most winter and some like other seasons but I nothing dislike because every seasons is important for us. and the hottest season of your country is summer.The temperature is high in this time. Go ahead and all the best.

 last month 

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.

We all like every season, but if the heat becomes too much then it starts causing trouble to humans because we become crispy, the food starts getting spoiled, bacteria starts growing on us.

Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life Greetings from my side . Have a nice day .

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