Season 1 Save Water Save World "| club 5050|20-03-2024

in Steem For Bangladesh4 months ago (edited)
assalamualkium how are you hope so you will be fine and spend a healthy life with your loved once and I am also fine and spend a healthy life with my children they are my energy booster and my life line infact children is the precious blessing of my allah almighty

Today I want to participate in this contest which is held by @steem-Bangladesh and thankful to @mostofajaman for the unique and very informative contest this is very strong and important issue we should take step for this reason because water is the most important thing of our life so I decided to participate in this contest and shared all the informative views in front of you

  • Today theme is save water save world

•How important is water to sustain our life?

premium_photo-1666299777866-c3446948e1c1 (1).jpegsource
water is the most important thing of our life it is important for the normal functioning and body play a very important role in our mental health and physical health the water is very important element in our body the ratio of water is 60% which is more then half percentage so we understand the importance of water the water continues the functioning and mechanism of our body water is the most important thing in our body thethe cells of our body the total structure and maintain the body temperature it help to exit the waste material in our body through urinary system by sweating water is most essential for our body aling with this it is most important to our skin maintaining when we use and drink plenty of water pur body mechanisms work in right order by the most use of water our skin keep fresh and hydrated through the water we are free from many diseases water prevent from dull and weak skin problem and it prevent from dehydration
•Should we prevent water pollution and why?

It is our duty to keep fresh and clean water every where and we should safe water from pollution the water is the most precious blessing of allah almighty and it caused a lot of significant of our life otherwise polluted water caused by many harmful diseases to under water creation of allah almighty and polluted water damage all the beauty of sea creature it increased the problems of aquatic creature and their health the polluted water finished all the aquatic creature and its chemical water stop the habitat of aquatic creature and caused harmful diseases
It can caused by unhealthy effect on our body and due to this it can caused diarrhea and it increased the ratio of cancer the polluted water caused by the biodiversity and born many other problem for the aquatic creature

  • What will the world look like if the earth runs out of food water?

Ooohhh it looks so horrible imagination in this situation nobody live on the earth and everyone suffer form this basic need the system of agriculture will be removed and at the result people will face the starvation hunger and poverty and this situation spread everywhere the name and mark of life will be erased and these problem raise our economic problem

• In what ways we can keep water pollution-free and prevent water wastage?

  • there are many ways that we prevent pollution free water and we should take step for these prevention we should fix the leakage in our homes we should off the tap while we are brushing and shower and when we washing the dishes in the kitchen we should dispose of chenmical all house hold waste meterial and we dispose of according to the guidelines we preserve forests plants water land and all aquatic creature play a very positive role to maintaining the water quality

It is our first duty that we Wastewater from factories gets into drinking water causing pollution so we have to move the factories out of the cities which increases the risk of aquatic animals death

This is my post and I hope so you will be enjoy and read very care fully and give positive response of my post

I would like to invite in this contest


 4 months ago 

Water is indeed life and it's precious as such we shouldn't waste it. My dear you'll need to change your second to last image because they're not free to use.


As you can see it comes with a price tag, and it's plagiarism. You can source free images using the below sites:

 4 months ago 

I apologize for this time, I will do it carefully next time

 4 months ago 

Dear friend, welcome to our community. But I regret to inform you that the photo you used in your post number two is not a free side photo. And we always ask to refrain from using such photos. So hope you don't repeat these mistakes next time.


 4 months ago 

I apologize for this time, I will do it carefully next time

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