THE DIARY GAME / 08-December- 2023

in Steem For Bangladesh6 months ago (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum how are you all? I am also fine by the grace of Allah, today I am going to share with you, today is a blessed Jumma Mubarak. Muslim Eid day.

nice day

I woke up in the morning and had a cup of tea, then went to the market to shop. It took me about 2 hours to come from the market, I had breakfast at home after coming from the market.


Then I prepared for the prayer, Jumma prayer. So I took a bath and went to pray.


I prayed and prepared for cooking, every day my wife cooks. As today is Friday, the office is closed. So today I prepared to cook myself as a hobby. I cooked myself and went to the kitchen room. Of course, my wife helped me to cook.


I finished cooking and prepared to eat. The cooking was amazing today. Wife appreciated my cooking a lot.Of course it was our lunch


After lunch a friend of mine called, his primary exam was in Syedpur. He came to take the primary exam. While meeting a friend, I suddenly saw a wedding car. Me and my friend took pictures with the wedding car.


My friend will take my train home, so I went to the station to chat with him, it was almost night. The night station was amazing.


I picked up my friend and came home. I came home and had dinner. Dinner at home was chitai pitha.


Meat broth, with coriander leaves chutney and chitai pita or extra delicious. This was my work for the day.


There was a weekly meeting in Stream Bangladesh at nine o'clock in the night, I attended that weekly meeting. This was my work today. Everyone will be fine and healthy until today. Apologies for the mistake. Allah is Hafez

 6 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 

Use the #newcomer tag as you are a new user. This will put your post in front of team newcomer. The tag must be placed within the first four tags. Best wishes to you.

Take care 💕

 6 months ago 

thank you so much bhaiya

 6 months ago 

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আপনি null account এ ২৫% বেনিফিশিয়ারি সেট করেছেন কিন্তু আপনি burnsteem25 ট্যাগ ব্যবহার করেন নাই। এটা আপনার জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

 6 months ago 

Ok sir next time dibo

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