Few minutes of mistake

in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Hi steemians, my name is Samuel Dickson its a pleasure being on this platform. I want to thank @supo1 for this opportunity to share my story and I hope you all learn from it.

It was during the summer I'd just returned from school just to discover that my parent had packed out from our previous house which was a 2-bedroom flat into this new apartment a 1-bedroom flat which was far more interior than our former place. I was clearly not comfortable as this was evident in my expression, reactions to them (my parent) but then I just had to understand due to the financial state of my parent, my dad had just been sacked from work due to some misunderstandings with his boss, this made him unable to renew our rent.

Our new neighbours were very rude and unwelcoming but we just had to bear with them. they were living in a one bedroom and were about eight in number, the parent and six children.
Electricity supply was very erratic and hard to come by. it was always once in every two weeks, sometimes we stayed for months without having light so mostly, the major source of electricity was the generating set. Virtually every household had a generating set including our neighbour.

Due to how the house was built by the landlord, they had no space to even keep their generator. so most times they keep it in our veranda. this always made me uncomfortable due to sound. So this very night I had it enough since my dad was always very quiet about the matter, I went banking at their door with annoyance. The eldest son came out and pleaded with me that he's watching a football match that as soon he's done he'll turn it off and moreover that they've told the landlord regarding the situation that he said he'll do something about it the following day. But then I just didn't want to hear any of it, so for peace to reign he took it inside and kept in the pavement which was like the entrance to their room. little did I know that one of his sisters was an asthmatic patient and before I knew what was going on I started hearing people screaming from their room the smoke had severely affected the girl and she was really panting for breadth, her inhalant was not helping so she was rushed to the health center that night. After everything was done she still couldn't be revived. It was a very sad scenario to behold I lacked words to express my feelings that night.

Most people that heard about the story blamed the boy for his carelessness, a chunk of the blame also went to the landlord others even blamed the government for not providing electricity but deep inside me I knew I had also contributed to the girls demise. My dad though supported the family with huge sum, after a month, we packed out from the house due to the incident even when we had about a year remaining in our rent.

I knew I would have averted the situation if only I had kept my temperament in checked and endured the noise at least for the night. Its been 8years now since the incidence happened but anytime I remember of it, I always feel bad and guilty. I hope you all learn from my mistake.


Thanks for sharing

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