Bad experience by @idken

in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

My bad experience will be focused on that fateful day i nearly lost a friend.
And since that day i have learned to be careful with everything i do, and always try to pay attention to details.
The incident happened immediately after lecture in the class. We were just gisting when the banana seller barged into us and pleaded we should patronize her, and we did.
But what happened thereafter is something no one will ever wish his enemy.
After buying the banana,we never knew that we will end up trying to revive one of us, because we we were five in number.
But it was nobody's fault to patronize the poor seller.
We didn't see it coming.
And we will always live to remember that day.
We were gisting like i said earlier while eating the banana when one of us decided to ease himself outside.
And the worst mistake i made was to allow the banana peel on the floor.
And that nearly cost someone's life, but it wasn't a deliberate action.
So when this friend of ours came back,he stepped on the banana peel and hit his head on the floor.
We thought it wasn't serious when we started laughing at him for behaving like a kid, but never knew that he was seriously wounded.
And our attention was drawn to where he was, when we noticed that he was no longer able to move his body on floor.
That was when we realized that he has started losing blood, and wasn't able to talk again.
We quickly rushed him to the hospital where he stayed in coma for two days before waking up.
And the incident has taught me to be careful with the way i keep any object at my disposal..



 3 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing.

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