in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Hello #steeminspiration. It's me @hae-ra here. I am so thankful to @supo1 for the invititation in this contest and I am so grateful to be here now to be able to partake the unforgettable day of my life. I hope you won't get bored. I will start my story when I was I guess 12 years old that time, in my second year of high school.

Being the eldest amongst us, I am over protective with my siblings. I don't want them to be hurt especially if it is because of others. Yes, I admit that we also had misunderstandings sometimes, having quarrel and arguing over little things, but when it comes to other things, I would rather fight a lion just to save my siblings.

This incident happened when we headed back home from school just by walking. Because way back in my school days in our mountainous hometown, we were just enjoying walking back and forth to school and home, vice versa for at least 1 hour or more. So while walking along with the others, there's this noise I heard from the back, it was just like there's somebody arguing over something. So my curiosity arose, and as I looked back, I saw my brother arguing with the other boy (older than my brother), they're almost fighting with a fist that time. So "Me", was to the rescue, but of course I came for my brother, without thinking that I was fighting with a man. This time I asked my brother what was going on, and he told me that he was being accused by the boy that he was stealing a mango fruit. Just imagine, my brother was just a kid that time, and the other boy was already a teenager. And because I was in so much anger that time, with no hesitation, what I did is I grabbed the collar of the boy's uniform, knocked him on his face, (but wait my hands were hurt that time), kicked him, grabbed his hair, and everything, without realizing that he was taller than me that time, and we would pass by their house going home, ahahahahaha.


Because their house was just along the road and we were almost there, I stopped on what I was doing over him and I was just proud that time, because I won the fight, ahahahaha. He was so really angry after that but at the same time, I felt like the other side of me came out that time, like who would have thought, for being a silent-innocent type of girl, I could knocked down a taller boy after all. Wwwooooooo,, it was so refreshing ahahahaha. But honestly, I was also scared a little that time during I passed by their house everyday, because he was also threatening me, but I was just so lucky it did not happen because for the second time around, maybe I might run already and couldn't fight back anymore, but noooo,, I would rather still fight back if it happened,,, ahahahaha.

It's been two decades already now after the incident, but as I think about it the whole time, I might run out of breath for laughing too hard. I could not forget what happened that day until now. It was really the unforgettable day of my teenage life. But at least I was fighting for the right since my brother was not really stealing something or any. It was really fun, but at the same time scary, ahahahahaha. LOL.

Thank you for passing by. I hope you enjoy.


Thanks for sharing

Thank you @supo1. my pleasure

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