in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Care speaks volume

Hi friends, how are you doing? Hope all is well? I bless the name of God on behalf of you all. I would love to share an experience of mine, which I think may be helpful to many that cares to read.

We all know that life is not a bed of roses. We all have experienced some ugly experiences at some point in our life or maybe currently undergoing such experiences. I believe God will see us through no matter the situation. Now the thing is this: Because of the struggles that are inherent in life, we often ignore the struggle of those around us. Sometimes all that people need is just for you to sincerely ask them how they are doing.

I was a student at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria. School for me was fun until the second half of my school. Things got worse in my final year in school. I had a series of unpleasant situations that occurred as if it was an organized plot. First, I had two missing scripts. Second, armed robbers broke into my room and made away with my laptop and two phones. All these were not so difficult for me to bear because God was helping me through these situations. But something happened: what that no student would wish for his enemy. I wanted to get a book from the bag that contained all my school documents from my first year to my final year when I discovered the bag was no longer there. That was when it occurred to me that the armed robbers had used the bag to cart away my stuff. At this juncture, I got confused and questioned God's love towards me. I started to visit the police station and the administrative department of the school frequently, and all that. I guess God understood my pain, so he didn’t leave me without encouragement. There was this young man who kept on calling to ask me how I was doing. After narrating my experience to him, he never stopped calling and encouraging me all through the trying times. He was in a different state from me at the time but always called to see how I was coping with the struggle. He let me understand the role of every occurrence in the life of a man. In as much as I was pained by the situation, I was able to see the whole incident in a whole new dimension which eased my burden. His encouragement was what kept me going. Just knowing that someone cared about how I was faring at that point was worth to me than money. That was one of my darkest moments in life but a good soul kept the light of hope shining.

Seek out people’s welfare. People do not always need your money. The reason behind that sour relationship may be your insensitivity to your partner’s feelings. It is a mentality of some people (especially men) to think that because they have spent their money on their loved ones or those around them, there is nothing more for them to do because to them, they have fulfilled their obligation. That is not right. Such mentality only creates valleys that will prove difficult to bridge in the future. I hope my story was clear. Thank you for reading

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