The pandemic story@beautybb13/6)21

in Steem Inspiration3 years ago (edited)
First I want to express my appreciation for this opportunity of joining in this contest.

Am grateful to God Almighty that am also alive with all members of my family today.

The pandemic season wasn't a good period at all,the period wasn't nice to me and my family,but I thank God for everything.

The virus that suddenly turned to epidemic proportion gained access to Nigeria at the close of 2019,and it wasn't known as coronavirus we thought it was just a flu but it later became reality that is a pandemic.

My story about that season is a pathetic one.

I was newly married and relocated from Aba city to Lagos State,I was jobless and my husband is a physical challenged man,you can imagine how we can cope,it became so difficult.

IMG_20210613_173020_371.jpgme and my husband.

To sustain my family I heard to look for job but to no avail,by January 2020 the pandemic was becoming more serious things was get more difficult, there was no open vacancies for job anywhere.

I decided to go into business,I was dropshifting wears and kitchen utensils, we were getting our daily bread from there.

On February 23 2020 the worst happened,my younger brother was involved in an accident,he sustained brain injury that was so serious that he needed an intensive care unit (ICU) where he breaths through the help of a ventilating machine,my poor parents didn't know where to start,me and my husband where confused.

To worse it all the pandemic rate kept increasing,the country had to lockdown to save lives of people because millions were dying everyday because of the pandemic.

March 2020 there was total lockdown in the country, everyone where ask to stockpile there house with foodstuffs,how will I do that with my present condition.

  • My brother is in the hospital with critical condition.
  • Am jobless.
  • My husband little business had to stop because of the pandemic.
  • My little business stopped too because no one was buying clothes people where seeking for food,no more Church services.

How are we going to cope was my question.

We run a test of twelve thousand niara for my brother everyday.

We buy his medications amount to six to eight thousand niara everyday, and many others necessary to do things just for him.

The lockdown lasted for three months and honestly I can't explain how God made it possible for us to survive.

No day passed by without we seeing what to eat,and also pay for my brothers health bills.

Jehovah sustained us through his loving organization, brothers and sisters care for me and my family.

Brothers living close to the hospital where my brother was always reached out to help in any way they can.

After the lockdown I got a job,and we started struggling with our lives from there because the pay was too small,but it was better than known.

My brothers health condition kept detorating day by day,the economy was not smiling,the pandemic rate was increasing.

We lived everyday with fear of who knows what next will happen.

I thank God we are coming out victoriously,
non of my family member died through the pandemic.
Non of them died because of lack of food.
My brother is still alive tho not healthy,but there is hope that he will be healthy by God's grace.

Not by my power but by the underserved kindness of Jehovah our Heavenly Father.
Thank you all,am grateful for this opportunity



Thanks for sharing

What an amazing God we serve

I was touched with your story
Thank God you didn't have to beg for bread despites your trials time

God bless you and your family

Moch love
Best regards

Thank you love

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