Hello to everybody in this house, how are you all doing, trust everybody is doing well


As we are all human beings and the system is not balance, everybody will be having a Problem that him or her is facing and also straggling to get a solution for it to move on.
We call all our today innovators Successful people just because they get to solved some of their problems or the other, which is giving an impact to the society.

Problem that I was able to solved

When I was at my Junior High level I use to have low thinking capacity as a I was always last when ever wrote an exams which made me to remain in one class without moving, and people were making fun on me which were paining a lot, and many people were investing big into their studies,but their challenges was how to make good use of it to better than there are. and I look at them and said if they Invest in to their studies and getting better improvement why won't I also invest too, that is when I remove laziness from my dreams, and put seriousness more than the laziness I use to do,
Each day we close School and I went home after praying I will just go our town market center to get something and sell after that the small amount I had will use to buy some story books and some test books.

How I managed to solved that problem.

I start a serious studies every night to the test books I have and Start approaching some my colleagues which I think they understand what has been thought in class to explain it for me.
And I don't jock with any extra tuition that I heard off , I try my best in participating in answering and asking of questions anytime our teacher is teaching, and I also try my possible best to get an android phone and start following some of the online tuitions both and other media links.
I also pasted in my status and facebook page everyday looking for help to better my my educational performance and I then start writing letters sending them to our English teacher to check correct my mistakes.
And he also advice me to start answering pass questions that one too can help,so I was there within short period I begin to see alot of improvement I complete and proceed.


The results was

I had an amazing results, by my Basic Education Certificate Examination ( B.E.C.E) being best student in our town and I keep it up till today that am still flexin in in university that I found myself. And town people are now benefiting from the knowledge that I acquired and am sure it will be benefited by the nation as hole.

Not to say much my dearest regards goes to all the organizers of this contest and to all the curators.
God bless you all for reading through

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