in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago

I'm happy to be part of this contest by @lovveday in this awesome community.Thanks for the privilege.

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An accident can be defined as an unpleasant occurence that happens unexpectedly and unplanned for. Accident whether big or small is unpleasant,the degree of pain the victim goes through can only be explained by the person suffering it and that the reason why I won't overlook any form of accident regardless of the degree. Accident varies as we have domestic accident,road accident and some other form of accident but for the sake of this contest,I will focus on road accident.


My personal experience

On one fateful day I was on my way to my work place alongside my sister,we were gisiting as we walked hastily to work as time was almost against us,all of a sudden from behind,I wouldn't know what came on the bike man he just hit me from behind thereby separating me from my sis . We were not on the road,we were by the side of the road,I mean no sane man will walk on the path made for vehicles and motocycle this is to justify the fact that we were on the side of the road.

At first I didn't know what to make out of the whole incident all I knew was that I was on the ground trying to put myself together even as I tried to overlook the shouting and wailing of the onlookers. Some of them rushed towards me to check if I was fine and can move,the bike rider also ran towards me. It was obvious he was a struggling man trying to make ends meet,he quickly started pleading as he saw that it was only my leg that was affected by the accident.


The Reaction

People around started telling me not to allow the man leave that he must take me to the hospital for proper treatment inspite of the man's plea. To be honest with you all,I was blank not knowing what decision to make judging from the look of the man.Asking him to foot the hospital bill by taking me to the hospital might end up with the fact that the bills will be footed by me because the man doesn't look bouyant.

My sis stood there looking at me dumbfounded just like I was on that fateful day. I managed to stand up and summoned courage,I asked that the man be freed,that I will go take care of my bruise. I couldn't go back home to take care of my self and so I managed to get to school that day and explain to my fellow colleagues what had happened,they also said the same thing the people at he accident scene said that I shouldn't have released him...anyways I had already done that.


The Pain

It was about an hour later after the incident that I started feeling the excruxiating and unbearable pain of the accident,I thought it was what I could handle but then my body started reacting to the was as though my body was agreeing to what the people said and was torturing me for not listening and for choosing to be a good Samaritan. Mehn I manage to get home that day and then faced my treatment squarly. As at the time I got home I could bearly recognize the leg I thought had a minor injury,the injured part has swollen and affected other areas and I could not but pity myself.


My advice to accident victims

Don't assume you're alright after an accident,seek medical attention immediately to ensure you're fine before convincing people you're fine. We heard of case where people died days after having minor accident,they assumed they were okay,little did they know that their system had been affected.

My advice to Vehicle and Motocycle owners

  • Don't always assume your vehicle is in good shape,always ensure it is before taking off.
  • Don't allow distraction while on the road,ensure you focus. Picking called behind the wheel could be life threatening and can affect others.
  • Do not drive or ride on a highway as a learner especially when you're not yet sure of your driving skills you could endanger your life a d that of others.
  • Obey traffic rules,no one is too big to follow these rules,they are to ensure safety.
  • Avoid managing faulty vehicles,you might end up getting yourself into trouble you didn't bargain for.



Accidents are no good experience at all,let try as much as possible to observe safety precautions and keep safe..

Thanks for reading my entry.

Cc: @lovveday

 3 years ago 

@lhorgic am happy you participated in This contest, this a great entry. I love your advice for accident victims. Have a nice day

Thanks @lovveday,the pleasure is mine.

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