in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago


There's this deep loneliness that comes with conscious growth.
I do not know what words are best to describe it.
It's a gnawing knowing at the back of your mind; of what you must do, who you must leave, where you must go, how you must live.
It's the realization of the fact that conscious growth and personal development (at least in its early stages) is a process you must undergo alone. And to the majority of us, that... is a tough realization.
It's hard to come to terms with the idea that your path is different from that of most.
Many of us shy away from this because it's tough. In fact, it's one of the major factors that keep a lot of us from truly undertaking the journey of self discovery...
We know we'd have to stay away from the crowd... From our friends... The people we know.
And sometimes we're scared...
Scared of what our life would become if we leave everything we know behind.
We all innately seek change... But we're scared of the unknown that comes with it
Familiarity is more comforting, even if it may be less comfortable...
I watched an Instagram reel the other day that said something along the lines of “Choose growth over company each time.”
Choosing personal growth and self development over company, on its own, is a tough thing to do already... But to do it every time the situation arises? That's a pretty Herculean task.
And I guess that's what the universe wants to make out of us;



I'm not a big fan of poetry or art. But you choose an interesting topic. And when I was reading it, it doesn't feel like poetry. But again, your perspective isn't conventional. And is isn't eccentric either.

Thank you very much @northafrica

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