Dear Diary,

It is Friday, and I love Fridays, I don't really know how many people that hates Friday. Everyone seems to like Friday, because it connotes rest and enjoyment. And party for those that have the time for party. As an Uber driver, it is a day we get as many riders as possible, and many riders equals money.

So after going through all my morning routines, I set out for work as usual. But some minutes into my work, I got a call from the engineer who was handling the project of one of our shops, he wanted me to come and see the progress of the work, since am the one supervising the work, I have no choice than to reroute my journey to the location of the shop. I got there and was impressed with the work ongoing, it was almost done, as my Aunt, the owner of the shop wants to expand more, for where she could be parking her indomie before finally distribution. I decided to take some pictures.


Photo: Work ongoing in one of my Aunt's shops that am supervising.

photo: Still part of the work.

From there, I moved onto my work, moving Abuja Uber and Taxify riders from one end of the town to another, and after a stressful day, I ended up with my little cousin, who has a PS4 (Playstation 4) his dad bought for him as a birthday present. I was going to do my own resting there, as there was no party for me to attend, since monday, I have not rested fully. So I ended up with him, playing FIFA20.
photo: Me beating him already.
photo: me still beating him.

So after beating my cousin, with his face changing to an unpleasant look, I had to start going home before someone will start crying on my head. Once you beat him very well, he will start crying. Nobody enjoys defeat, but then someone must win. By the time we finished our third game, it was already past eight in the evening, we decided to have one more kick at it before I zoom off. By this time, It was already past 9:00pm, and I will have to cook, as I don't have any food or soup left in the fridge. Good-news is, I have enough food stuffs, all I have to do is decide on what to eat this night, and I will spend time to cook it. And that's what I did. I prepared jellof rice, and finished cooking around 10:30pm, as I got home around 10:00pm. Late night foods they say is bad, but I don't have a choice this night, I ate and went straight to bed. It has been an eventful day. God is always on his throne, watching his children.

For more information About me:

I belong to @team10-nigeria
and this is our introduction:

I was introduced to steemit by @globearn

All the Images are mine.

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