in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago
Road traffic accident (RTA) has ever been something that brings unexpected death to many people.

Some have lost their sights,some have been amputated while others have lost memory all as a result of road traffic accident.

Causes of accidents and how it can be avoided.


Some people take driving so simple that they become careless while driving and this leads to accidents.

This can be avoided,anyone driving should know that life has no duplicate this will help him or her to be careful while driving.


When some people are invited for party or when they go for any recreational event they will drink more than their capacity of control ,this has made some to loss there life in accident.

To avoid this when one go for recreations one should drink to the level he or she can control,if possible since one knows he or she driving he might avoid drinking.

Neglecting traffic rules:

Some people fell that there is no need for traffic rules,and they overlook traffic signs while driving.

When we obey traffic we will save ourselves from accident.

Over speeding:

Some people speed beyond there control and this causes accident.

In conclusion when we are careful,when we don't over speed,when we obey traffic rules and when we avoid drunkenness we will save ourselves from accident.


As a nurse i witness different kinds of accidents on daily basis.

But there is one i can never forget.

It happened at Ogborhill Aba Abia state.

The victim was a man in his early 40s, he was drunk and he feel off from the door of a commercial bus.

When they brought him i was on duty and there was a very dip and big injury on his head.

The head was so injured that i can see the inner skull of the victims head.

It was terrible,because there was no one to help to pay for his medical bill advance.

I needed to save this life,the man was bleeding profusely,his blood was flowing that people walking outside the gate saw the blood because it was raining.

It took me three hours to suture and dress the wound, his body didn't accept the anastasia i gave him,this made my work so difficult.

I was so affraid about the mans life but i had faith in God.

After he while he started coming back to life and he was healthy and was discharged.

Drinking has ever been a factor to so many accidents.

The second terrible accident that marveled me was that of a 35years old man, whom lost breke control of his tricycle and ran under a trailer.

He was also brought to me, and he was bleeding internally,and he lost his life.

That was as a result of carelessness,according to him,he knew the breke pad wasn't good but he decided to manage it,and this result to him losing his life.

Accidents are bad especially when they are severe.

Thank you @lovveday


God is really using nurses to save lifes

Thank you dear

Is good for us to be careful and safety conscious. In all God is our power and guidance. You tried as a human.

Yesooo is God that can do it all

You are really a nurse, thanks for saving the man's life.

Thank Jehovah

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