Who Killed Joy?? Part One

in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago

Uma couldn't stand up from his bed he felt numb and his head ached seriously, he felt like staying in bed all day but he knew that wasn't a good idea because he had lots of work to do at his office.


Uma couldn't remember what happened last night and he didn't care, he was satisfied with the thought that everyone he invited to his house party all had a great time.

He struggled to get up from his bed knowing the fact that any more minutes he spent there would be detrimental to the board meeting he had that morning. He got up and walked straight to his bathroom, his eyes still filled with sleep. He reached straight for his toothbrush and his toothpaste, he gently squeezed out some toothpaste and it rested on the top of his toothbrush and immediately he headed to the sink

Uma never looked at the sink all through the time he was washing his teeth, his eyes were fixed on the mirror in front of him as he washed every inch and corner of his mouth. After washing for some minutes he bent his head to spit out the foam in his mouth when he noticed that the sink was stained with blood, he quickly raised his head and looked directly at the mirror in front of him touching his mouth with his hand to see where he had cut himself in the process of washing his mouth but he was surprised to see that there was no cut in his mouth or anywhere around his face, he was shocked to see drops of blood in his sink, which were no way from him.

"Then where did it come from?" he questioned himself

His toothbrush fell on the floor and when he tried to pick it up he was shocked and taken aback when he saw bloody footprints leading all the way back to his bedroom. He nearly jumped out of his skin, but he controlled himself. Uma wished that the footprint and drops of blood he found in his sink were not blood but paint but ofcourse they were. He was a surgeon he could recognize blood ten miles away.

You could hear Uma's heart running fast like one injected with Adrenaline. He was beginning to sweat though his bathroom was air-conditioned, it had no effect on him.

Uma scanned the bathroom as though he was looking for answers, but his eyes stopped and rested on the blind which hung on a peg that was screwed to the ceiling, behind the blind was his bath tub. Uma's heart began to race fast as he stares at the blind that was stained with blood, he took slow but anticipating steps towards the blind, each step he took increased his heartbeat. His eyes were fixed on the blind and when he finally got there he slowly parted the blind with his left hand as though something was lurking behind it, waiting to attack him. He parted the blind and his eyes saw Joy's dead body swimming in her own blood.


Uma gave a high pitched scream, but he quickly used his right hand to cover his mouth so as not to attract the attention of his white neighbours.

What Uma saw behind the blind made him cringe with disbelief and shock. Staring somewhat accusingly at himself with glassy eyes.


"What! How did this happen??, I'm sure no one entered my bedroom last night, so what is Joy's body; dead body doing in my bathtub" Uma asked himself as he paced about the bathroom in fear of what his eyes had just seen.

He was brought back to reality when his doorbell rang
"Who must that be??" Uma asked himself rather shocked that someone was at his door post at that particular moment. He quickly walked back to his bedroom to get his clothes which were on his bed, he reached for his clothes on his bed when he immediately saw a knife that was stained with blood, he nearly ran out of his bedroom but he held his composure, and now more than anything he wished he remembered the details of the night before.

His doorbell rang again and Uma hurriedly put on his clothes, went out of his bedroom and when he climbed down the stairs that leads to his parlour. He tried to assure himself that everything is alright and that it was all a dream but every step he took downstairs made it more clear that it was real and that a dead body was in his bathroom.

Uma got to the door and quickly buttoned up his shirt, he pressed a device close to the door and the door opened, he was greeted by two policemen men who stood at his door post with their hands in their pockets.

"Good morning Sir" said one of the policemen
"Good morning, what can i do for you this early morning" Uma asked with a stammering voice, trying hard to stop the quivering that was building up on his inside
"Sorry to disturb you sir but your neighbour; Mr Jones called us that he heard a scream in your apartment, so we came to check if everything is alright" the other policeman replied
"Oh! Everything is fine sir, you know all these oyinbo they're not used to our noise down here" Uma said followed by a pretentious smile
"Okay sir, please give us a call if anything goes wrong" one of the policeman said as he shook hands with him and left.


Uma quickly jammed the door in haste and for some minutes he felt he was going to run mad. He turned with his back to the door and he slowly slid down till his butt hit the floor
"What happened?, what is Joy's dead body doing in my bathroom?"
These were the question that ran through his mind but one question really struck him was "Who killed Joy?" he bent his head till it rested between his leg and tears started rolling down his face.


Hi, are you a photographer?

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