Steem Nigeria Contest | The most terrible accident you have ever experience

in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago

I want to appreciate the organizer of this awesome contest @lovvday and the admin @greatness96. I must say an accident not a good thing to experience but a lot of times it occurs due to our neglect.


Distracted Driving

The major cause of accidents is not drunk driving, speeding, or running a red light. The major cause is distracted driving. This includes anything that takes your attention off the road. It could be our smartphones, texting, and making calls. Sometimes might be eating, picking up something that fell on the floor, and assisting children in the backseat.

How to prevent it
Always focus when you are driving.

Drunk Driving

We all know that when we drink we lose the ability to focus and function properly. This is very dangerous when driving a vehicle.

How to prevent it
If you go out and you have the intention to drink always use a designated driver or a ride service such as a taxi or bus.


Speed limit signs are there for a reason. They are to let you of the safest speed travel on that certain road. This could be because of higher traffic, bad road, sharp turns, and some other reasons. The faster you drive, the slower your reaction time will be if you want to prevent a vehicle accident, and the longer it will take to stop your vehicle.

How to prevent it
Ensure to maintain the speed limit.


Weather conditions can be a major reason for car accidents. Rain is one of the most usual causes no matter where you reside and it is vital to pay extra attention and be cautious. Rain creates slick and hazardous surfaces for vehicles and often causes vehicles to spin out of control or skid while braking.

How to prevent it
To prevent a vehicle accident, drive very carefully when it rains.

Deadly Curves

Vehicles have lost control of their vehicles along a dangerous curve road and lost their precious lives in a vehicle accident.

How to prevent it

When you approach signs signaling U-turns and to reduce speed, do what they say and drive cautiously to avoid a road accident.

Tire Blowouts

You can see the scattered remains of tires all over most highways. Blowing a tire can't only cause injury to you and your car but also those around you.

How to prevent it

Be sure that your tires have the correct PSI for your car and the hubcaps and bolts are perfect before driving. If for one reason or the other you encounter a tire blowout, try to maintain control of your vehicle and pull over safely.

Drowsy Driving

Driving tired is not talked about a lot, but is about as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. A lot of vehicle accidents caused by drowsy driving happens at night.

How to prevent it
If you find yourself wanting to fall asleep at the steering wheel, do not struggle with it. Look for a good place to pull over and take a rest.


  • Keep your vehicle's light on when driving at dusk and when it is raining.

  • Check your vehicle regularly. Always check its tires, lights, and mirrors.

  • Know precisely your vehicle's limitations.

  • Be sure your car in good working condition.

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