Without corn there is no country!

in Tales & stories2 years ago (edited)

The farmer said it to the King and next the frustrated King shouted it to the people. Well, he did after he understood what the farmer meant and it scared him to death. Nervous he bit on his lip and waved with the pamphlet the farmer had dropped on his way out.

Those damned farmers, he said to the dog on his lap. The animal was asleep and didn't hear him but at least he would't judge him. How he hated to be manipulated. Powerless he felt. No food was scaring, he felt that farmer was right and without them not only the people would die. He and his so beloved dog could die right here in this chair. How could he ignore the sound of his stomach? One doom scenario after the next showed itself. The worst scenario was he had to live a life without servants. What kind of King had no one to dominate?

After the farmer left he called for his most intelligent thinkers, the wise men. Not many of them were left. Schooling just like intelligence and an opinion were forbidden it was the privilege of royalty. Those six sneaked into the palace by a secret door ready to support him their your highness' brainstorming.
That farmer, the spokesman of the others, had been clear. If these people stopped farming he was on his own. No cornflakes, cornbread, popcorn, cookies, crackers, ale, the taste of sweet sugar corn with butter it would all belong to the past. He swallowed while his heart hurt in his chest.
Never would he give in and pay them for hard work. The country with all the land was his. Why should he. Those complaining farmers were lazy, and worked by far not as hard as he did, they needed a strong hand to teach them a lesson.

We can't plant everything not even all grains. We lack the knowledge, skills, time, and..., the youngest said.

Just pick one, the grain that benefits most to start with, the eldest interfered. He felt extremely tired lately and needed his extra sleep. For a moment he envied the dog on the Kings lap. That man was the stupidest person he met in his entire life. Nothing is as valuable as food. Why not pay for it?

Let's write down what the farmers plant, which grains and what benefits most. No waste is important just like taste, another suggested.

They all agreed and within an our long lists were presented. It took the King five more hours to decide and present the winner.

It will be corn, he said, corn is and looks like gold besides I love popcorn and cornflakes. It is sweet and my dog likes it too. I am looking forward to try the cookies and the beer in the meanwhile I'll have that tea. He looked at the men at his table and tapped with his finger underneath the word.
Well, what are you waiting for?

The men hesitated. Did he want them to serve him tea?

Sire, we need people who take over the farmers' work. The fields are empty, the speaker placed a bowl filled with corn on the table in front of the King. I suggest you take the job. Like you said in your wisdom the country is yours, all the land is and farmer's do not work hard.
The King rubbed his beard and nodded. How hard could it be? Throwing corn on the land he could do if he let the dog out. He had the magic land no one new about to start with.

After the wise men left the King went out with his dog. It was a bright night the moonlight made him see everything clear. His little dog ran overjoyed up and down while it searched for a stick.
_Here boy, _ the King said and smiled.
Find the stick.
Like a rocket the dog ran after the stick into the stream. Anyone awake could hear the kings' laughter. The dog brought more light and joy in his life than any human.
_Not bringing me the stick right, _ he laughed and stepped into the water to join his dog. Around his feet the fish circled.
Good dog. You found fish. He stroke his little friend. You are such a smart dog.

That King, that greedy brute man who did not like to be manipulated, loved to dominate and who's worst scenario was a life without servants did the work himself. He was right it didn't take much time and he had plenty left to play with his dog.
Without corn there is no country, they all said.
The wise men were impressed by the King's harvest that is except for the eldest who never awoke out of his sleep.


Prompt @mariannewest

Link https://steemit.com/hive-161155/@mariannewest/day-1831-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-without-corn-there-is-no-country

Host #pic1000 contest @freewritehouse

Picture prompt @freewritehouse
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So the King won and did a better job? What happened to the farmers?

Thanks for joining #pic1000 👍
I loved reading your story.

 2 years ago 

Perhaps the farmers died for hunger?

One should think it's not and just a tale but it sounds very realistic to me. The bad guy wins. 🍀♥️

 2 years ago 


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