Pigs - pic1000 tale

in Tales & stories2 years ago (edited)

"We did it," said the fattest pig and he grunted contentedly as he turned around in the mud. "Did you ever expect it to be so easy?"

The other two pigs were silent. They had not expected it and thought the other animals would fight back. The horse, donkey, goat, buck and ram as well as the dogs, cats, geese, bull and rooster could fight like no other. Why were they not fighting? Was it because pigs eat everything?

"Look at those suckers standing there," the admiral grunted contentedly. "They are only good for working. There is not a shred of sense in their brains. Their existence should be forbidden."

The other two grunted softly. Not because they fully agreed but out of shame and dissatisfaction with what had been done. Could they still turn the tide, were the work force still in their favour?
They looked nervously to the side where all the other animals had gathered. They were certainly not in a good mood.

"Admiral," squeaked the younger of the two, "it doesn't look good. The mass no longer meekly following your orders."

The admiral didn't give a damn. Time proved he was the strongest. "What do you want," he shouted highly displeased at the horse standing on its hind legs.
With a swift kick the grin disappeared from the boar's face.

"A big meatball is what we all want," said the weasel sitting on the donkey's back.

"I'll have a chop, a leg of pork and some belly bacon," the dog barked. Grass, grain and tomato is no food for a decent dog."

"Or cat... Dinner is served," meowed the cat, "away with the dictators, the idlers, the terror!"

And that was the end of the three executioners. No rooster crowed, not a single dog missed them and each one of them left lived happily ever after.


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Host contest: @freewritehouse

Link: https://steemit.com/hive-161155/@freewritehouse/contest-a-picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words-1-14-2022

Photo: prompt #pic1000 / pixabay.com

 2 years ago (edited)

If you ask me they are equal fat. Which one is in charge the one in the back? Loved this story. I need to write something about these three little piglets too. 👍🍀💖

Sent you something too as a reward.

 2 years ago (edited)

The one you like to be in charge. ;)

Thank you so much for the reward. I wish I could give higher upvotes. Seems to work only once in a few days once. :(

It takes a lot SP to give a vote. I don't know how much. Just vote 10 times. You'll get there. 🍀💖

 2 years ago 

I will thank you. Can't figure out how to buy Steem.

 2 years ago 
 2 years ago 

I read it. Sorry for the late reply.

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