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RE: Sunday - Expected Payment

Hola, @hive-169911:

Un anciano de mi pueblo decía, con mucha razón, que los más indicados para engañarnos o burlarse de nosotros son aquellos a los que creemos amigos, por la simple razón de que confiamos en ellos. Este relato tuyo grafica muy bien esta lección. Los que están acostumbrados a faltar a la palabra empeñada suelen comportarse de manera desleal, viven de los favores que otros les prodigan y se esconden en los momentos en que deben rendir cuentas. Es así como lo entiendo… ¿O quizás quieres sugerir otras cosas con las metáforas de los cuchillos?

Un gran saludo…

Hello, @hive-169911:

An old man in my village used to say, quite rightly, that those who are best suited to deceive or mock us are those we believe to be friends, for the simple reason that we trust them. This story of yours illustrates this lesson very well. Those who are accustomed to breaking their word usually behave disloyally, they live on the favors that others lavish on them and hide when they have to be accountable. That is how I understand it... Or maybe you want to suggest other things with the metaphors of the knives?

Best regards...


You read it right and the old man in your village noticed the same. It's a stra ge thing how easily we trust the most disloyal people and keep hoping they will... (change?).

The parasite in this story living on the favoyrs of his friend will for sure find someone else to cheat on and will not be scared for long till he meets someone who will take him to justice.

The bitter thing of situations like these is it's something you bring upon yourself. No is the word and there's no need to explain.

Thank you for reading and keaving a comment.


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