Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 (Week 4) || "Famous Street Foods in your Place" by @wuland


hi steemian friends all back again with me in following and participating in the contest with this very interesting theme and this is a little explanation from me about this contest?

suburban restaurant

  • Ingredients

the place I went to this time was at the Cunda container restaurant and it's still around me and there are many menus available there, a variety of special menus such as fried potatoes, nasi uduk, special burgers and the ingredients used that I usually see before cooking like a special burger with ingredients used such as dry bread, fresh vegetables and packing meat that has been fried and sauce for a spicy taste that I really like, like french fries where potatoes are cut to size and fried.

  • How it is prepared or cooked. (Cooking Procedure)

the cooking procedure is very easy and we only need to heat the frying pan and cooking oil before the process of cooking fried potatoes and uduk rice and as usual, the cooking procedure is so easy and it has become a habit about cooking french fries, and the process of making nasi uduk, of course, rice which is mixed with natural spices and coconut essence such as coconut milk and put into the rice after steaming until cooked.

Cafe container

  • What is the selling price on Steem.

like nasi uduk and ayam penyet, the price range that is traded is IDR 15,000 and when calculating with Steem the price per 1 Steem I calculate it is IDR 3,100 or the equivalent of 4,900 Steem per portion of nasi uduk and ayam penyet, drink juice like I've ordered like watermelon juice for 10,000 IDR or the equivalent of just 3,200 Steem Steem.

  • What made him famous?

what makes this place famous is because of its aesthetic location and right on the shoulder of the causeway and a very cool place and filled with dim light bulbs that are installed around the restaurant and the menu there is very cheap on the pocket and easy to reach by visitors here, and a place that is clean and crowded with visitors who stop at this place and make it famous in my area until now.

but I also invite some great steemians to participate in this great contest @moer, @lirvic @marito74 @patjewell @ahyaoja @loloy2020 good luck my friends all 🥰

salamku @wuland


Hola amiga, si es económico, agradable, bien ubicado, perfecto. Pocas veces encontramos lugares así. Me encantan las hamburguesas y en general me llama mucho la atención la comida de Indonesia, tengo muchos amigos con los que interactuo en la plataforma, te deseo suerte en el concurso y gracias por acordarte de mi.

You're welcome ma'am 🥰 and thank you for your presence which makes me feel happy for your kindness and presence mom❤️ .. success for you too ma'am

From the way you have explained the surrounding, I feel this street food shop is a great place to enjoy!
The rice has a great taste when cooked with coconut milk and when spices are added the taste is more enhanced.

You have well enjoyed the day…
Wishing you luck in the contest

Thanks you 🥰

Terlihat begitu enak dan tempatnya juga sangat nyaman, saya akan mencoba kesana jika ada waktu.. Terimakasih banyak telah berbagi informasi,,
Semoga sukses selalu 🙏

You are so lucky! We don't have a place in our town where we can have street food.
I like to travel and a highlight is always visiting the street food vendors especially in Thailand.
A little tip, use to check your grammar, spelling etc. You will be amazed to see all the mistakes we make when we write a post.
PS: Thanks for the invite!

thank you ma'am for the advice 🥰,,

Pleasure! 🎕

 last year 

The road side or restaurant food in your city is very wonderful. However, oil-based food is loved by everyone. So for your own health. Avoid certain foods that are good for you. Staying healthy is our only goal

Thanks you 🥰 sis

 last year (edited)

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Thank you for creating quality content in the 4th Week of our Steemit Philippines Engagement Challenge. Please don't forget to do engagement by replying to the comments in your posts and do comments on other posts too.



Terima kasih atas sarannya ☺️

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