FLASHBACK: My Encounter With An Armed Robber On A LONELY Road

in Steemit Philippines2 years ago

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Hello fellow community members. Once more steemit Philippines has given us another opportunity to share our experiences with one another. This time it is not an all smiles experience. Talking about dangerous encounters is never easy. Sometimes we still live with the trauma and for some we find a way to forget about it. Well I'm here to present mine. Sit back and read.


Being Robbed on a Lonely Road at Nineteen

This encounter happened around mid January back in the year 2020. It was just a few days before my 19th birthday. So some may wonder what I was doing on a lonely road at night all by myself. The area which I lived then didn't have so many inhabitants back then. I had to leave my old neighborhood where I stayed because it was far from my school and they had increased the rent at the hostel.

So anew academic year started and it was my second year in the university, so I had to move closer to school and at a cheaper hostel. This particular hostel was very far from the main road. It was a new layout so there was so much construction going on there and not too many people living there. Due to this fact, everytime I go out, I make sure I'm back my 8pm. Unfortunately for me I didn't know 8pm started being too late.

This faithful day I was walking back home at around 7:45pm. It was already dark and I was almost at my hostel when I saw this man walking towards me. Well I didn't put much though to it because he could just be going somewhere. As the man got closer, the light flashed on him and I saw that he was hiding a machete behind him. Not being able to act fast I kept walking towards him but giving a distance between us.

Then all of a sudden he swiftly grabbed me, pulled out the machete from behind me and held it towards my head. I was so terrified, I could feel the fear all of over my body. Under impluse, the first thing I did was to throw my phone into the near by bushes. He told me not to scream, that if I did that he would kill me. So I stayed quiet. He. Asked me to open my wallet and give him all the money I had. Inside my wallet was 6000frs (35 steem), I handed all to the man. Then he told me not to tell anyone that about this encounter or else he would kill me because he knows where I live and where I school.

After he said that he ran into the near by bushes and disappeared. At that moment I just picked up my phone and ran home as fast as I could.


How I Handled It

Immediately I got home I texted my closet friends and my family that I had been robbed. They sent me their sympathies and everything and some even sent me some money. Nevertheless the night still wasn't easy for me. I couldn't sleep. I checked the lock of the doors like a million times. The voice of that man saying he knows where I live and where I school kept ringing in my head. I was shaking the whole night.

This made me to stop staying out late. I made sure by 6:30pm I was already home because then there's still day light. Even if I am staying out late I would either hire a cab to come drop me off or tell a male friend to come see me off. That encounter instilled so much fear in me.

But eventually I left the area and moved somewhere more secure even though the rent is slightly higher. What's money when you are not secure right. Though I got over the fear of walking alone at night, I still have a phobia of men walking towards me at night. Especially of there's no one else around. It just immediately puts me on alert mode.

Well that's my story, I hope I get over my fear completely.


I want to invite @nanidi @emmyp @ubongudofot and @rmm31 to join this contest. Here's the link https://steemit.com/hive-169461/@steemitphcurator/steemit-philippines-contest-or-a-dangerous-encounter

20% to @steemitphcurator


Vaya! Amiga, la verdad es que sí tuvo un encuentro terrorífico, con un machete? Gracias a Dios no le hizo nada,. Es normal quedar paranoico durante algún tiempo, también he pasado por situaciones similares. Pero con armas de fuego.

Gracias la invitación amiga. Me dio mucho gusto leer su invitación.


 2 years ago 

You are welcome 🤗
Thank you for honoring my invite

 2 years ago 

OMG! THAT IS TERRIFYING! I once experienced being robbed by three guys, but I was lucky enough not to be held with weapons. You're such a brave one! It's a good thing that you moved to a more secure place.

 2 years ago 

So sorry about your encounter
I keep thanking God for my life everyday

 2 years ago 


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Luzon Moderator

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much

 2 years ago 

This is a terrifying experience.but good thing he did not.hurt you.

 2 years ago 

Actually I thank God for my life

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